I really feel for you. Combining work or school and bowel incontinence is rough.
Insofar as I know, there is no perfect solution and what works for one person may not for another.
Your main options include:
Selective use of loparamide (Imodium), but should not do this every day.
Use of fast-acting laxative suppositories before leaving for work (also should not do this every day)
Digital rectal stimulation to stimulate a BM before leaving for work (can do this every day)
Preemptive enemas before leaving for work (can do this every day but should check with your physician first)
Medical anal plugs for incontinence (can be used every day). Some do not tolerate the sensation of the foam plug.
Not really a solution, but internal deodorant pills such as Nullo can remove most to all fecal odor depending on your own chemistry and diet. The downside is that the higher doses necessary to remove almost all odor may cause significant constipation.
The stresses of fecal incontinence in the workplace may make some options acceptable to you that you otherwise might not choose.
The options above may not totally stop fecal accidents in the workplace, but should very markedly reduce them. As with most things involving incontinence, some experimentation will be necessary to find what works best for you.
I use daily morning enemas. These are old-fashioned red rubber bag enemas with soapsuds and saline (salt in the water). They are safe and always effective. I have self-administered over 3,000 without any problems. They have helped me go as long as 31 days without an accident.
I also use medical anal plugs, but not every day. They are extremely effective and avoid odor issues. If you use an anal plug you may be able to avoid wearing diapers.
If you have questions about any of these methods, please ask.
Several here will be glad to offer excellent advice. Also, feel free to send me a PM.
(double incontinent and wearing 24/7 - cloth at night)