I only became aware of this site 3 days ago and now I have the "chutzpah" to suggest improvements. Very selfishly I suggest that you might want to consider initiating the following subjects: 1) How did you become incontinent? ; 2) What support, suggestions, recommendations did the medical pros offer you when they first informed you?;3) How did your condition affect your relationship with spouse, family, friends, etc.?;4) In general, did any of your fears, worries, concerns ever materialize?; 5) If you were to meet a newly incontinent person, what potential problems would you alert him to?; 6) How did you find/select your first incontinent supplies?; 7) Other than those actiivities required in attending your incontinence, what other changes have occured because of your condition?;

Do you think that any other person (relative, friend, co-worker) knowing of your condition has changed their attitude of you?