How do you deal with diaper rash?
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diaper rash

Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:14 pm

I tried using creams to kill it once it started. On a whim I tried hydrogen peroxide. And it worked! I take a paper towel, soak it with hydrogen peroxide, and apply for a while. Stinging is good, means it's working. At every diaper change I will do this and in two or three days the rash is gone.
Prevention is the best cure, I agree, and getting a rash early is always best. Try this cure, let me know if it works for you.

Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:34 pm

Hi Paul
Welcome to the board.
That's an interesting thing to keep in mind. I never thought of trying that before but I bet it does burn :shock: ouch..................Sandy

Diaper Rash

Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:04 am

As with Sandy's welcome, please accept mine! It's good to see different people on this board. Hydrogen Peroxide is good for a lot of things. Like Sandy commented, I wonder what the sensation is as it works. Good sugestion. .................... Paul(Martin)

Nappy Rash

Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:17 pm

The way I make sure that I don't get nappy/diaper rash is by removing all my pubic hair and making sure that when I change my nappy I clean and dry probably.

Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:28 pm

HI, I used to get absolutley horrible rashes when i first needed to start wearing diapers. my whole nappy area used to become a deep red and in a few cases the rash would bleed in places. I used 'bepanthan' barrier cream and also some pink stuff whos name i cannot remember!

Though thankfully i recent years i have not had any rashes, not sure has my skin become immune to wearing nappies. though as has been mentioned in the posts previous, good skin hygene is essential, and as if anyone would need telling, staying in a soiled nappy for too long is not a good idea!
i do shave the areas as well, but couldnt say for sure if it does help or not. but it helps with the hygene side of things.


Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:40 am

Luckily I seldom get diaper rash. My skin tends to tolerate being being in contact with a wet diaper but every one and a while I get a little rash. When I do get a rash I make certain the area is clean and dry and then I apply an ointment such as Desitin before powdering. This pretty much gets rid of any rash within a day or two for me. I might only have a small diaper rash 2 or 3 times a year and they are usually during the cold weather months when my skin tends to get drier. I tried shaving once and all I got was a terrible itch and a break-out of ingrown pubic hair pimples. Never again. I keep myself as clean as possible in my diapered regions and I try to go without a diaper every day for a half hour or so just to let my skin air out and breathe.

Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:22 am

I don't get many rashes, but am prone to yeast infections between skin folds and I have had some yeast infections that were so sore, that I cried myseld to sleep. My dermatologist told me to keep the areas clean and use some type of powder. I have tried every powder that is made and baby power works the best. Most powders will blend in with any type of sweat so I find myself in a constant bottle to stay dry.

dealing with rashes

Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:00 am

I have not seen it mentioned here yet, read it online somewhere for baby rashes and i had some and tried it, works very well...

Mix one cup of water with 8 drops of Tea Tree Oil (measurements are guidelines only, not exact).

I put this into a squeeze bottle and leave it where you clean up at. When you go to change, simply wet your wash cloth with this solution and clean your diaper area thoroughly.

Using Tea Tree Oil in a wipe solution is great because it is naturally antiseptic and leaves you fresh. An added bonus is the money you will save. The oil plus the cost of wash cloths is nothing compared to the $4 per package you would spend every few weeks on disposable wipes. In addition, disposable wipes are more likely to cause a reaction on your skin.

May be something someone else besides me has and wants to try it. I did up a 500 ml bottle, and converted to get the right amount of oil, and it is still over half full 4 months later. You don't need much on a pre-moistened cloth. :) Puffy


Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:42 pm

Irish Mike wrote:HI, I used to get absolutley horrible rashes when i first needed to start wearing diapers. my whole nappy area used to become a deep red and in a few cases the rash would bleed in places. I used 'bepanthan' barrier cream and also some pink stuff whos name i cannot remember!

Though thankfully i recent years i have not had any rashes, not sure has my skin become immune to wearing nappies. though as has been mentioned in the posts previous, good skin hygene is essential, and as if anyone would need telling, staying in a soiled nappy for too long is not a good idea!
i do shave the areas as well, but couldnt say for sure if it does help or not. but it helps with the hygene side of things.


Re: Re:

Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:45 pm

ST50 wrote:
Irish Mike wrote:HI, I used to get absolutley horrible rashes when i first needed to start wearing diapers. my whole nappy area used to become a deep red and in a few cases the rash would bleed in places. I used 'bepanthan' barrier cream and also some pink stuff whos name i cannot remember!

Though thankfully i recent years i have not had any rashes, not sure has my skin become immune to wearing nappies. though as has been mentioned in the posts previous, good skin hygene is essential, and as if anyone would need telling, staying in a soiled nappy for too long is not a good idea!
i do shave the areas as well, but couldnt say for sure if it does help or not. but it helps with the hygene side of things.


I think we all suffer with rashes at first I know I did. Although my wetting remains the same the rashes are much less now.
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