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Skin problems when using attends

Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:38 pm

I normally use disposables with a booster. I have access to two types of boosters. Maxi from Tena, and deoplus from Attends.
If I use Attends, I get pain after only a short time after getting wet. It is not a regular rash, but more like an allergic reaction.
I have pain there for several hours after removing the booster. There must be some chemical in them.
I am not allergic, but react to nickel, and can not even wear silver earrings for a short time.
Anyone else with this experience?

Re: Skin problems when using attends

Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:19 pm

Disposables have many different chemicals applied to them during the manufacting process and some people have a reaction tp one, or more of these chemicals used. You shold talk to your doc about the reactions that your having and see what he/she recommends. If your problem is unique to just one brand, (Attends), I would try some different brands. The only other suggestion I can make is try some different skin creams and see if that helps.

Good Luck.
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