There are MANY different types.
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Type of incontinence

Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:30 pm

Hello my name is GIl and im 32 yrs young...Heres my story.

As a kid growing up i always had bedwetting issues and used protection at night. Typically it was a diaper, there were no goodnights available then lol. Eventually it went away, and i joined the US Army. After my deployment in 04 it came back and back in nightime diapers i went.
Recently in 06 i started getting little to no warning when i had to urinate. As it got progressively worse i began to use different methods of protection and ultimately began to wear the tape on diapers. May of 2007 i was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I am on treatment but my incontinence continues. its like the Neurologist put it" Some symptoms may completely go away some may stay. It has been quite the struggle but i think eventually it wont be an issue for me.

Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:26 am

Thanks for your post and welcome to the forum. Your story is typical of a lot of people. "Why is this happening to me?" It's something you just cope with, but you can't let it get you down. Don't let incontinence control your life. It sounds like you're on the way to control it and it not control you.
Feel free to post again, and thanks for your story! ...........Paul Martin

Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:11 pm

Thank you for the encouragement Paul. It's been hard for me because its like first i experience incontinence and then came other symptoms like tingling and having a tremor in my right hand and head, shooting pains legs feeling heavy, dizzyness, clumsiness and short term memory problems so then i had to deal with those other issues. By the time i got diagnosed and on a treatment regiment it was just a crazy emotional time. Im trying to be more active. I still work fulltime, Most of my symptoms have subsided except those stubborn few. Im able to go out and about but i hate the whole "diaper bag" coming with me everywhere.

Hate the Diaper Bag Too...

Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:43 am

I'm very active physically and professionally and have to take a "diaper bag" wherever I go too. I use a high-end disposable (Abena X-Plus) with a high capacity booster pad, so my trips to the public restroom are infrequent.

I've had significant bladder 'issues" for years as a result of cauda equina syndrome. As terrible as they were, the first generation of disposble diapers and waterproof pants improved my quality of life significantly. My quality of life now is better still in light of the ready availability of high quality incontinence products online.

Incontinence is challenging at times, but with the many treatment and management options available, one can get on with life! I have an understanding and supportive wife, and that helps too.

Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:15 am

I was born with incontinence so it has been a plague since birth basically. Mine is mainly due to underdeveloped bladder among other organs. Many of the nerves are not attached properly or working properly making it virtually impossible to actually feel when I have to go thus incontinence :-/

Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:30 pm

Hi Welcome to the board I'm assuming your Female as you may have guessed I am to :D You sound allot like me I've worn some form of protection most of my life as well. I looked at the website you had on your profile. Do you work for them or? I've worn Secure Plus diapers. But because it's hard to find a good deal on them I rarely ever buy them :? .....................................Sandy :)

Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:21 pm

I am a bedwetter due to psychiatric medication that I take. I wear full breif diapers at night and regular underwear during the day. I think my bladder control is getting worse since the number of day time accidents has increased in the last year. I am only 27 and my wife and family are very supportive and give me confidence. I am relativly new to this condition due to the fact that the bedwetting started not long ago. I am trying to find ways to boost my confidence by trying to participate in conversations with people that endure incontinence as well. I feel like if I let people know (friends, family, therapy group members) then I feel less ashamed because it is not some secret that I have to hide from the world.

Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:28 am

I don't know if I posted this in another thread or not, But I'm totally incontinent, for a little more than 6 years now, due to several factors. The main one being degenerative disc disease, and the resulting surgeries for it. So far, I've had 5 operations to fuse my back because of damaged or destroyed discs. I'm fused solid from T10 to S1, and have one fusion in my neck at C6/7.
When the incontinence first began, it came on slowly, and I tried to control it with Depends, but because I also have a neurogenic bladder with overflow incontinence, ( diagnosed after several very uncomfortable tests), the Depends just didn't have the capacity to hold it all. I began using them 3 at a time to try to keep from leaking, but even that didn't work very well. It was about a year into it that I found out that someone was making cloth diapers and plastic pants for adults. That really changed my life then. I was able to go out without fear of leaking, and even when I had a BM, I didn't need to worry about a leak.
It's taken several years of trying different ways of folding, and pinning, and different stuffers to find the best system for me.
I've also learned how to diaper myself while standing, since if I need to change in a public restroom, I knew I wasn't going to be able to do it laying down. I've found that it's actually easier to diaper myself while standing too. I can get it pinned on tighter than when I'd try it laying down.

Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:26 pm

I had a very bad accident in 97 I was 27 at the time) that left me with complete bladder and partial bowel incontinence.
The Doctors have tried everything (7 surgeries) and after it is all said and done, I still void with no warning/control.
The latest term they use is "Neurogenic Bladder", but that will change as it has before.
It seems as if they (Doctors) feel defeated if they can not stop the incontinence, and it is up to us as patients to say when enough is enough.
After my spinal surgery, and more false hope, I decided to move with life, and enjoy what I can do, and accept my situation.

Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:48 pm

I take it that your spinal surgery was not successful. My doctors won't even consider surgery for my spine as long as I am able to function without a great deal of pain. Most of the time my back feels OK. In my case surgery would not help with my lack of bladder control due to damaged nerves. I too suffered my injuries in an accident. My back went out on me this past Sunday and I've been suffering but this too shall pass. Due to the damaged nerves I suffer from lots and lots of muscle and bladder spasms. I'm glad that you have accepted it all (not easy) and have gotten on with your life. It took me a few years to accept everything but I got tired of feeling sorry for myself and got on with my life.

This is a wonderful site with lots of experienced incons who can be so helpful ad supportive. This is by far the best incon support site on the net.
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