I'm baack. I had a five hour cardiac procedure at a university hospital, which, treats Marfan patients at the rate of 2-4 admissions per week, on average., on 18 June. Our AB/DL folks are titillated, amused by incontinence; I am not. With twelve cardiac sensors wired to various parts of my body, two IV lines with piggybacks, my world swimming crazily on the hallucinations caused by anesthesia, two perky young nurses announced, "We're here to change your diaper." I was not amused. After a week in the surgical hospital, I was sent home, but had to return to drain two quarts of fluid from my left lung, and a third hospitalization to stabilize my heart rate. I am back, re-learning how to walk and submitting to cardiac rehabilitation each week.
I thank everyone here for their support and prayers. Here I feel among friends who know the difficulties incontinence throws at us, as nowhere else. I hope I can resume contributing as my health permits.