What type of cloth diapers have you tried?
What worked out and what hasn't?
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Still using cloth diapers

Fri May 31, 2019 1:47 am

Howdy folks.

I haven’t posted in eons. I actually forgot about this site, but I was chatting with a guy on kik and I gave him the URL. He was looking for info on dealing with relationships - his wife left him after his SCI. Bummer. Really sucks. I remember folks dealing with relationship issues and posting here so I thought it would be a good source of info.

I feel really old. Message boards used to be the latest technology. Now they’re old. I do chat on kik now and then and it’s mostly young folks. When I tell them what life was like with no internet or cell phones, they are totally blown away.

I’ve mostly forgotten what it’s like to have bladder control. Still using cloth diapers, pins, and plastic pants and that’s my preferred protection. I’ve come across the Northshore Megamax diaper and when I go out, that’s what I use for discretion. I’ve found them very effective. But I’m most comfortable in a soft fluffy gauze diaper. When I mention this to a young person, it’s like a time warp - like cloth diapers are only something in a history book. I was born in 1955 so I remember them quite well. Wow. Really showing my age here.

Anyway, I don’t much care what others think and when I have company, I’m sure they see my supplies if they use my bathroom. I no longer hide them.

Hope you folks are doing well and I remember getting a lot of help here. I no longer need help. That’s a good thing. Thank you all and best wishes.

To all Philadelphians: Sally Star, our gal Sal, America’s favorite cowgirl, would have said “Love, luck, and lollipops!” Yeah I know. I’m showing my age. Ha!

Re: Still using cloth diapers

Fri May 31, 2019 6:41 am

Success stories such as yours are always welcome.

Re: Still using cloth diapers

Fri May 31, 2019 6:48 am

Thank you for referring someone to the site. Glad to hear about you able leave your supplies out and don't care about people finding out. I still not there and probably won't be for awhile.

Re: Still using cloth diapers

Fri May 31, 2019 8:02 am

Great to hear you are doing well. There are times I, too, feel old. My body tells me so, as does my AOL email account!

Re: Still using cloth diapers

Sat Jun 08, 2019 11:22 pm

“Glad to hear about you able leave your supplies out and don't care about people finding out. I still not there and probably won't be for awhile.”

I’ve actually had a couple friends ask me about diapers as they need them now. They were looking for recommendations. In both cases I gave out some samples from my supply.

I’ve heard about some of the medical issues my friends are dealing with. I’d rather be incon and in a diaper than an amputee in a wheelchair. There’s much worse than urinary issues.

Good luck!
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