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Ugh... Looks like I'm retaining again

Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:44 pm

Incontinence's evil twin is back.. The twin that can cause infection and kidney failure if left unchecked. So it looks like I'm back to a regular 4 a day cathing regimen :(. I also want to consult the urology PA (we no longer have a urologist in the office I currently get seen) to make sure my kidneys are a ok. If you pray prayer s would be appreciated

Re: Ugh... Looks like I'm retaining again

Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:49 am

yes please do, i am sat here with a permanent urinary spc catheter and know what it is like to get retention.

mine was basically a problem with not waking at night to pee, never wet the bed though but it was the signal to wake up when the bladder is full that wasn't there so when i awoke each morning my lower abdomen was solid because of the amount of urine.

mine was left too late and the bladder went to over 4 pints in size to the verge of collapsing, i was told once the catheter was put in that it was most unlikely it wouldn't go back to normal size, damaged.

also like you say the danger is the back flow guess you can't imagine the hell i went through each morning when i awoke, guess i am lucky to be still here.

do you know how much your bladder is retaining after voiding, mine was some where around 600 to 700?

the other downer is the risk of infections.

it seems though that with retention so form of urinary incontinence happens, mine was some sort of permanent dribble so the needs for protection, i do find this part interesting when i see others who say they have retention but at the same time they also get the incontinence part, this seems to throw many in to thinking it is not retention but some form of incontinence.

it would be interesting just to see how many more respond regarding the above.

any way i hope that things settle for you and that you don't get any infections, i am at risk as i have just had my catheter changed.

t.c ,


Re: Ugh... Looks like I'm retaining again

Sat Jul 20, 2019 9:53 am

After my operation for an urethral stricture which my urologist thought was the reason behind my overactive bladder and incontinence.
I had a follow up, they wanted to see if the operation have had a positive effect on the flow rate, it had. However I was retaining 150ml after emptying my bladder in the flowmeter. Measured by a urodynamics ultrasound.
I was told it was within normal ranges, and that they wouldn't do any further and I didn't need to Cath as they had announced I would need, prior to the operation.

Reading a lot of online articles on the net, have had me doubt I really have an overactive bladder as I have been told by the medical professionals. Could in face be a weakened bladder, not emptying completely, causing incontinence.

I have the signs of an overactive bladder, no doubt, small volumes, strong urges prior to, frequency is very high on a daily basis. Dribble in between and prior to wetting episodes.
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