What type of cloth diapers have you tried?
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Laundering pocket diapers on a budget

Mon Sep 03, 2018 7:38 pm

I live in an apartment building with coin operated washers and dryers. It costs $1.50 to wash and $1.50 to dry. I got a bunch of pocket diapers/inserts from sociologygeek (thanks man!) and I'm trying to figure out the best way to take care of them. I plan on doing both disposable and cloth. I obviously cant wash every day. I usually get $20 in quarters at the beginning of the month but that's just for my clothes.

Can I store them after I use them and until I wash them? How do I do that? What kind of detergent do you use? I know I'm supposed to pre wash without detergent right? Can I do a wash once a week or will they get too gross? Any help would be appreciated!

Re: Laundering pocket diapers on a budget

Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:20 am

Adult Cloth Diapers sells a diaper pail with a lid that works well to keep odor under control. However, there are many others on the Internet. Check Google and Amazon. My pail holds four days of accumulation, which should add only one or two loads to your laundry each week. Sprinkling a little baking soda as needed prevents the diapers from becoming rancid while awaiting laundry. I use Tide liquid (HE) and Clorox or a pre-wash for fecal stains.

Re: Laundering pocket diapers on a budget

Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:12 pm

Thanks Patrick (sorry for the late reply) I got a large tote with a lid at target for 5 dollars. With limited funds you gotta be resourceful. :D

I found out that my usual detergent (biokleen) is cloth diaper friendly so I'm good on that.

So all in all I think I have a successful cloth routine
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