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Leakage just before using toilet

Sat Feb 03, 2018 7:35 pm

Hi everyone,

I'm a male, early 40s, never had any serious bladder problems up until now except a few accidents here and there.

In the last few weeks, I've been having accidents just as I prepare to use the loo. I tend to hold on for a few hours as that's usually how long it takes before I actually *need* to go, but more recently, I will suddenly become desperate just as I prepare to go, i.e. move towards the bathroom, pull the toilet seat up, pull my trousers down etc. and have sometimes been unable to stop some coming. Often this has happened when I was not *that* desperate -- like this afternoon when I was in town, I weighed up whether to "go now" or wait until I got home; found a Starbucks with a cubicle that was free, and as I was getting ready to go, my bladder started emptying. (I've been wearing Tena Active Fit maxi slips, they've been really good, no leaks.) This must have been six hours or so after I last went and I hadn't had that much to drink (a medium latte and a mint tea, a combination I had previously been more than able to cope wtih).

I recently moved into a new flat and my diet has changed a bit; eating more food I cooked myself and fewer takeaways and convenience foods. Someone mentioned tap water on another thread and I have indeed been drinking more filtered tap water and almost no mineral water, although previously I had drunk tap water whenever I went out. Never made me wet myself though. I do drink coffee almost every day, but it's never been a problem until now (and I drink less Coke since moving as well).

Could this be a sign of prostate trouble or something else? (I'm not aware of any family history of prostate cancer.) Should I be making a doctor's appointment ASAP?

Re: Leakage just before using toilet

Sat Feb 03, 2018 9:06 pm

Welcome to the group,

Seeing your doctor is allways a good idea, but for now try shorting the time between bathroom breaks to see if it helps reduce the sudden urge to pee. your doctor may recommend a visit to the urologist for closer look at whats happening inside your bladder.

Re: Leakage just before using toilet

Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:44 pm

Honestly I have to say, jumping all the way to Maxi Slip's is impressive and awesome of you to recognize your issue and take it head on. Some people resist it and don't always face any sort of incontinent issue head on.

Re: Leakage just before using toilet

Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:05 am

Add my welcome to Robert's. Because I leak almost continually, I use the bathroom as often as possible, in order to make my protection last. I do not wait for a signal from my bladder, because it doesn't come. More recently, I have had similar difficulty with my colon, but that is another issue.

Re: Leakage just before using toilet

Mon Feb 05, 2018 2:44 pm

Hi and welcome! Like others have said, I'd try urinating more often and not trying to hold it so long. Also, a consult with a urologist may be in order. You could also try Kegels to help strengthen and improve your ability to hold it until you get to the toilet. Good luck!

Re: Leakage just before using toilet

Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:23 pm

Fly, Welcome to the group. I strongly concur with the advice you have received to see a doctor.

I have urge incontinence, and that’s a condition that causes me to get sudden, irresistible urges to urinate and that cause me to wet myself. As a result, I wear a diaper 24/7 and have done so for many years. One hallmark of urge incontinence is that various situations can trigger the irrestible urges. As you’ve said, approaching the toilet triggers leaks for you. Other common triggers are the sound and especially the sensation of running water, getting up from sitting or lying down, getting out of a car, and approaching the front door of your house.

Re: Leakage just before using toilet

Mon Feb 26, 2018 2:02 pm

Hi Humanfly and Welcome to our group:
I have very similar pre-toilet leaks as you are describing and my doctor feels it is just another symptom of my BPH (enlarged prostate). I don't mean to say that you may have BPH, although it can occur in younger men. I totally agree with the others that it is something that you should get checked out with a doctor.
And as others had mentioned I have several other "triggers" that will almost always make me leak a good bit or even just flood my diaper. The worst is running water like from the kitchen tap and another is the sound of gas going into the tank on my car.

Re: Leakage just before using toilet

Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:25 pm

Hi HumanFly

Welcome as others have said you should go and see your Doctor at the earliest opportunity so that you can gain a proper diagnosis.

I too suffer from Urge Incontinence and wear diapers 24/7. For me Urge Incontinence is not a death sentence and having a diagnosis and being given a label unlocked so much and allowed me to get on with life.

I have had a great advisor on the NHS and this community is one of the best as advisors can only go so far.

Once you have a diagnosis if you are in the UK don't forget to let your local water company know as it helps them plan when works are undertaken so they can put in a dedicated supply to you house during periods of planned outages.

All the best

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