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Just checking in post surgery

Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:38 pm

Well surgery was a week ago tomorrow. I'm recovering fairly well. Pain hasn't been too bad. I'm allowed to stand with a walker which makes diapering easier. One of my nurses in the hospital while helping me change said "you're too young for this!" After I explained that it happened after my fall she told me she was so sorry. My nurses were all cool. I have in home pt twice a week and my friends have been bringing me yummy food. I'm at my psychiatrists office now and it feels so good to be out. Hope everyone is well

Re: Just checking in post surgery

Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:53 pm

Justj, it is so good to hear that you are recovering well. Being able to stand with the walker probably saved you a lot of inconvenience when changing diapers.


Re: Just checking in post surgery

Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:13 pm

Add my best wishes for your speedy recovery. If my memory serves me, you too are dealing with numerous medical difficulties in addition to your incontinence. And you're recovering from surgery? Wow. Good luck. Keep us informed.

Re: Just checking in post surgery

Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:06 pm

Thanks John and Patrick.

Patrick - yeah I have a lot of medical issues. I usually don't do well being stuck in the house post surgery (this is my 4th or 5th one in 2 years. I've lost count). But this time something is different, I dunno. But things are going well. I think its the fact that I've done this so many times before and know what to expect. I've had a lot of visitors too! today is my first day without any but I was able to go to my psychiatrists office so I got out of the house (for the first time in 6 days) which was awesome. I have my surgeons appointment on Friday at 10am which I'll be looking forward to to see what he says. Now if I could just get this house clean! arrrgh!

Re: Just checking in post surgery

Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:50 am

Yeah, that's great news!

And what is with that "you're too young" bs. No we are not because guess what it did happen and age had nothing to do with it...
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