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Do you have a definitive diagnosis for your incontinence?

Total votes : 51

Re: A simple question

Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:13 pm

I had my first urology appt last friday (8/5/16) and had a battery of tests including digital rectal/prostate exam. My prostate seems fine. I had lab work done too which included PSA test but I don't have results yet. I expect to see my lab work hit my patient portal page today or tomorrow.

The doc kind of just said I fit all that OAB symptoms but when I asked why he just said something to the effect of sometimes these things just happen and the causes aren't immediately apparent. He wanted me to try some behavioral techniques and kegels and come back in a month at which time he'll discuss stacking a medication into the mix. I like this doctor and his conservative approach. He wants to see if these techniques have any impact before adding pharmaceuticals. Nothing puts me off on a doctor faster than when the very first thing they want to do is throw pills at you.

Re: A simple question

Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:54 pm

you Found a good doctor there, most push meds the first time they meet you.

Re: A simple question

Mon Aug 08, 2016 5:16 pm

Yes I'm very lucky to live right outside Boston where we literally have some of the very best hospitals in the world. That's not to say I haven't had or heard of crappy experiences even at these super prestigious facilities but by and large the medical care in this area is really incredible.

Several of our hospitals are also Harvard Medical School teaching hospitals so we have some of the very brightest minds in modern medicine all right here.

Re: A simple question

Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:31 pm

Boston, eh? Doesn't Massachusetts have a bit of "Nordic Style" state-level social welfare and healthcare system? Just curious, I understand some states on the East Coast have adopted and applied certain features of the Nordic countries.

Re: A simple question

Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:34 pm

Überaktive wrote:Boston, eh? Doesn't Massachusetts have a bit of "Nordic Style" state-level social welfare and healthcare system? Just curious, I understand some states on the East Coast have adopted and applied certain features of the Nordic countries.

MA had Obamacare before Obama copied the idea from MA. We called it Romneycare when our RINO governor foisted socialist medicine on us. It really didn't impact anyone (other than higher premiums) who got insurance through their employer. It had the "individual mandate" that fined you at tax time if you couldn't prove you had insurance. So definitely not "Nordic style" and nowhere near single payer commie healthcare but it did extend coverage to illegals and people who don't feel like working.

What I was referring to regarding Boston is our world class hospitals (Mass General, Brigham and Womens, Childrens, Dana Farber, New England Medical Center, Beth Israel Deconess Medical Center). People come from all over the globe to access our local hospitals. We're very lucky to have literally the best care in the world concentrated in such a small area. Many of the hospitals partner with Harvard Medical school. I'm sure everything will slide into mediocrity as this country continues its sad shift to the left.

Re: A simple question

Fri Nov 04, 2016 2:13 am

I was recently diagnosed with symptomatic Tarlov Cysts on some of the nerve roots near my sacral spine. My symptoms are urinary frequency, urgency and incontinence. I have been dealing with bladder control issues all of my life, and I finally know why.

Re: A simple question

Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:43 am

I won't list what the doctors have told me. You have heard it all before. It comes down to that I leak.

Re: A simple question

Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:20 am

I've been IC since a surgery gone wrong years ago. Would much rather have continence than the $. I am constantly in messy diapers and it gets to me. They can't pay me enough.

Re: A simple question

Wed May 17, 2017 2:49 pm

Porkchop I know the feeling of dealing with the VA. My incontinence started while in the army after we had just got back from Afghanistan where I was a combat engineer doing route clearance. They have gone back and forth on why I have no urge or sensory need to use the bathroom and why my bladder holds and holds until it all comes just rushing out at once with no way to stop. They are saying now it is all caused my nerve damage due to multiple mild TBI which is why I have no sense of needing to go and due to the damage the sphincters stay closed all the time causing the urine to backup until they cannot hold it back anymore and give out but it took almost 3 yrs to get them to even send me to urology and another 2.5 to get them to start doing anything about it. So far they have just done botox injections to force the sphincters to stay open but that isn't really working so they said the next possible step is removing the sphincters completely and letting it just leak all the time since I refuse to do indwelling Cath as I get UTI every single time within a day of having it nor am I willing to do a supra pubic cath.

Re: A simple question

Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:33 am

My sympathies with the VA as well that's where my issue comes from too.
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