Only registered users can post messages on this forum.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may bring to the real people wanting to post real messages as a guest to this forum.

We are doing this to prevent people from posting spam and/or garbage posts on this forum. This site is NOT a place to advertise sites that have nothing to do with incontinence issues.

This site is for dealing with all types of incontinence.
This site has NOTHING to do with the ab/dl lifestyle.

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people getting banned from this site

Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:40 pm

I know that there has been some people that have gotten banned from posting on this forum.
For the real people trying to post here but can't, i'm sorry. :(

I have been going through the list of people trying to get on this site and banning the spammers. Most have been coming from other countries like China, Russia, and North Korea. But not all of them. Some do originate from here in the USA.

In the process of banning the spammers, I know that some people have been caught up in the banned list.

If you are one of the people that have been accidently banned from this site please send me an email and let me know what your IP adress is and ill get it unbanned. Please make sure that in the subject line you put "incontinent forum" or something else like that to catch my eye.
Emails that have no subject titles usually get mixed up with the many email spams that I get each day and deleted.

Im sorry for having to do this but im tired of getting over 30 applications from spammers for this site each day. :evil:
I try very hard to keep this a clean site that people can come to to get real help dealing with incontinence issues and not have to deal with the many spams that other sites get.

I wish there was a way to stop all the spammers and make them eat each spam that they send out. Actually I would like to do more than that to the spammers but that would be against the law, hehe. :twisted:


Forum Updates

Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:06 am

I have added a couple new updates to this forum that should prevent some (if not most) of the spammers that have tried to register on this forum.

I have also fixed the database that was preventing people to post messages.

I have also unbanned some of the ip addy's that were banned from this site. That should open up this site to more needy people.


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