How do you deal with diaper rash?
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pressure sore or diaper rash?

Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:45 am

I think i have diaper rash again. It could be in the past i havent been changing often enough. I have been known to spend all day wearing the same diaper if it isnt too wet. My incontinece does seem to be worsening.. i dont know if ive been lazy, or am just giving up control.. but theres defintely more spontaneous wettings.. as such, diaper rash will be a constant issue. i have this really uncomfortable hard lump right next to my.. male parts.. is it rash? i thought rash was more spread olut. maybe its a pressure sore :shock: yikes... u can die from those..maybe i should see a doc..

Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:41 am

Skin care is very important for all the obvious reasons. If you have a lump, this is not any kind of a rash or skin problem that I've ever experienced. It maybe nothing, but Iwould recommend you talk to your doc about soon. I think anyone who is incontinent and wears diapers sooner or latter gets a rash. :cry: There are a lot of protection creams on the market and I use A&D twice a day. Once in the morning after I shower, and again at night after I shower. With the onset any type of skin irritation I use a product called Butt Paste. Funny name but it works GREAT. Most of the time, Butt Paste takes care of any type of skin I get. However, a few times a year, I seem to need something a little better/stronger than Butt Paste that requires a doc's prescription. So far, my last line of defense that has worked well is a product called Clotrimazole Cream. This cream requieres a prescription and it has worked GREAT every time I've needed it. :) Hope this info helps.

Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:43 pm

John, i have a prescription for rash cream nystatin and some other long name beginning with a T i cant remember.. If my incontience is stress related, it should diminish soon, since the semester is almost over..and i will get a long break... i have'nt really had a break since summer where i had to do some project or another...its too bad that when i have real free time its not nicer out..oh well!
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