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Persistent rash outside "normal" diaper area

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:17 am
by sociologygeek
The incontience I deal with just fine.. I wear diapers and use them when I can't get to the bathroom or my bladder decides to release. What I find annoying is a persistent rash or jock itch type situation on my skin on my inner thighs, right where the leg gathers meet the legs and protruding out. Is this considered diaper rash since it is outside of the area where diapers covered? at one point my doctor looked at it and diagnosed me with jock itch. I have been using jock itch creams ever since to keep it at bay. I dont get a rash on my penis or testicles except for a few times my testicles get raw but not from exposure to urine. Does this happen to anyone else? What could be causing it? The outside of the diaper? The body stocking I'm wearing? A diaper thats too tight? my right inner thigh is a deep red. Does anyone else have this happen to them? How do you deal with it>

Re: Persistent rash outside "normal" diaper area

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 11:23 am
by Patrick
Do you shave that area? If I skip shaving, I can almost guarantee that I'll get diaper rash. The hair provides additional acreage for the critters that cause rash to colonize, with predictable results. Good luck finding what works for you.

Re: Persistent rash outside "normal" diaper area

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:56 pm
by sociologygeek
No I don't, since we are talking about my inner thigh, not the diaper area. I used to shave my diaper area in the past, but do not currently. I don't really have any major problems with rash around my penis testicles or the surrounding area, so I really only shave it if I have persistent irritation in that area. It might not be a bad idea to trim it though. Thanks for the input.