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How do you deal with diaper rash?
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Spend some time without protection

Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:34 pm

This may or may not prevent a rash or uti, but it does allow your skin some breathing time. This is easy if you live alone to do, while of course sitting on a diaper , not walking around the house unless you don't leak. If you don't live alone you may be able to do it while sitting on your bed with a blanket over and just tell the other people to leave you alone for an hour while you take a nap. I really believe this helps because if you've ever gotten athletes foot it helps to go barefoot of wear sandles sometimes. Same idea.


Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:26 pm

yes, agree here.

Summer time, in particular. I first discussed this with a female paraplegic friend whom I'd met in an incontinence support group. Especially in summer, she will sleep on an large absorbant bed pad just for that purpose. Although during the day, she follows a regular intermittant cath program, she still has her accidents and uses diapers during her waking hours. She reports this goes a long way to keeping her free of any rash problems.

Of course this is not possible when travelling or visiting. She does occasionall travel for her work, and will then diaper for the night and
still take along her pad and rubber sheet for hotels, etc.

But skin care like this is important and one good way to manage...let it breathe!


try a Mcguire urinal

Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:25 pm

I know some don't like these but during the day I use a mcguire urinal a lot this lets my skin dry out, you guys don't have to be "well hung" to use one it just takes a little practice. I find it easier to empty a bag than change diapers. I will always depend on diapers most of the time but useing a Mcguire can help a guy avoid the diaper itch......

using a Mcguire

Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:29 pm

If you want a little information on using a Mcguire urinal E-male me Incon47 @netzero.net these things work.

Re: Spend some time without protection

Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:30 am

I need to get some bed pads, because everytime i do this i end up peeing all over myself. so far i haven't pooped, but the day that happens i don't want to exist.

Re: Spend some time without protection

Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:03 pm

I always "go comando" for as long as I can every day. It is usually when I get home from work. I can usually make it for a half hour to an hour without dribbling too much. I seldom get rashes and I'd like to think this is partly from letting things air out down there. I also clean and dry my diaper area at every diaper change whick keeps rashes to a minimum.
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