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Newbie Michael

Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:12 pm

i am a new member,

i am in my late 40s and since 20 years old suffered from bladder incontinence.

over the years the incontinence got worse and my bladder became very large holding more than 2 pints, to the point i ended up with a spc catheter.

some years ago i developed bacterial prostatitis which nearly cost me my life.

my condition was downgraded to chronic prostate but i get flare ups which means i still have to use diapers.

i am not allowed to work, i haven't been told why and can only think it is due to the amount of infections i have had

i am so glad to have joined this site and thanks admin for letting me join.


Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:07 pm


Welcome to the forum! We are here to help you any anyway to manage your incontinence. I have had your problem in the past with chronic prostatitis. It's not flared up in quite a while.
Why are you not allowed to work? I don't see how the infections are related to your work. .....Paul Martin

Newbie Michael

Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:01 pm

hello paul and thank you for your message of support.

i am not exactly sure why they won't let me go back.

the only thing i saw was something on my doctors computer but it is not anything to do with incontinence, it was a letter stating that i have eye failure.

it has plagued me and some days i can't see out of my left eye.

i can't think of any thing else which could of made their decision.

i appreciate your team letting me join i will be having a spc change in a few weeks and it is good to find a site like this when i am badly with prostatits.


Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:11 pm

Welcome to the site Michael, I am glad I am not the only one out there with chronic prostititus problems... mine have been going on for 10+ years, and definitely aggravates my bladder problems, like that is not enough to deal with already! Flare ups are not that often, but just plain painful and miserable when they happen, so I can relate. Yours must have been pretty extreme to put you in such peril, hope it gets better in the future, Puffy :)

Newbie Michael

Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:18 am

hi puffy so glad to meet someone else with prosatitis can't spell it for the life of me.

all i was doing was waiting for the post and the next thing i was in hospital for 6 days with a high temp of 41c. they tried pumping me with cold fluids and in the end they resorted to ice baths.

i have only had the condition for just going on 2 years.

each flare up i have causes wetting bouts even though i have a spc in.

i asked for removal of the prostate but it was a no too much risk.

with anything like this it is good to have support and am glad i found this forum,


Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:13 pm

Welcome to the community! This is a great place to get info and to vent on occasion. Lots of experience among the membership.

Newbie Michael

Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:46 am

hi dds and thank you for the welcome.

i came from a very large forum on the net as i was trying to get support for incontinence, catheter and prostate problems, sadly just as i got going on their forum it shut down and i purely missed all the support their.

it has been nearly 8 months since that happened.

i run a website but it is not the same as forums where you can send messages and get real responses.

i tried to get help on facebook and twitter but had no joy.

when you are having troubles it is okay seeing a doctor but you only see them for 5 minutes, with forums like these you don't feel isolated,

at the moment i am debating which week to go for my catheter change, i hate it as i got one stuck and the nusre messed around for nearly half an hour leaving me in distress,

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