
My New Normal
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Author:  Don [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  My New Normal

So I was talking to my psychiatrist today. I told her I was tired of all my health problems. It seems like every time I go to the doctor its something new. I have asthma, bipolar disorder, bladder and bowel incon, hypertension, nocturnal hypoxemia, arthritis, and a hypo-active thyroid. I am only 28. I can't take much more. When I talked to my doctor, I told her every time I feel sorry for myself, I think about the people with cancer or are in a wheelchair. I told her I want to feel normal. I just want to be a normal, healthy person. Why can't I have that? She said this is my new normal. She said this is going to be my life. She didn't tell me to just deal, she was sympathetic. She just reminded me that it could be worse. Does anyone else feel this way?

Author:  SeattleDoug [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:19 am ]
Post subject: 

I certainly understand what you are talking about. It is not great, but could be much worse.


Author:  Don [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:21 am ]
Post subject: 

I know it could be worse. Especially when I see people with cancer or some life threatening disease like that...it makes me really grateful. It reminds me diapers are not that bad.

Author:  PuddleGuy [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Remember... "normal" is just a setting on a washing machine. It's our differences that make us who we are.

Author:  Puffy Pants [ Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  My new normal...

I hear ya Don, why does it have to be like this... I too have asked that question to myself and have yet to get an answer for that... but when I get down, I too look around and see SO many others with a far bigger lot of issues to have to cope with every day... it is then I feel bad for them and count my blessings, and yes there are many to count... I can walk and talk, get out and enjoy most all activities I did before the bathroom problem arose it's ugly head, and take it all in stride, one day at a time so it seems, after all it is ONLY a bathroom problem. Some days are much better then others, but they are all days when I got to do what I wanted, just with a bit'of a twist in my wardrobe, which is the least of my concerns most days, seems life always has something to toss at you day to day. Keep your head up, enjoy the sunshine and stop and smell the roses, and be sure to catch that line drive life throws at you and not let it bing you in the head! ;-) Puffy, glove in hand ready for the next line drive... :shock:

Author:  DDS [ Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Normal is only a state of mind. Last year was an incredibly busy year in my life. A major family funeral, a graduation and two of my offspring getting married. When things were hectic we kept saying that "when this is all over things will get back to normal". Well, it is now a year later and "normal" never happened. We bought a house and moved in a few weeks ago. It had been about 18 years since I moved anywhere. I had forgotten just how much work and how expensive moving is. There hasn't been any "normal" so far this year. Looking back over the past few years I can't seem to recall any "normal". Lots of busy but no sign of "normal". Maybe, just maybe my busy, sometimes stressful lifestyle is "normal". If "normal" is living life going through the same daily grind over and over then maybe I don't want a "normal" in my world. My world may be busy and sometimes stressful but it is never boring. Every day brings new challenges which I welcome.

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