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New Molicares????

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:47 pm
by Maggie
Has anyone seen or tried the new Molicares? Are they even out yet?

Seems they are adding breathable side panels, elasticated tapes, and a more hourglass elastic shape.....


New Molicare diapers?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 3:56 am
by JoeK
Hi Maggie and welcome to the ISC!

I didn't know new Molis were in the works so you enlightened me! Please check with XP Medical (url on our links page under suppliers). He'll know when the new diapers will be available.

If you do get to try them, please keep us informed. I like the Molicare even with all the other Euro diapers that have come along, even the Abena. I still think Moli is the best of the disposables, even tho the tapes could stand more improvement!

Re: New Molicares????

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:43 pm
by Guest
Maggie wrote:Has anyone seen or tried the new Molicares? Are they even out yet?

Seems they are adding breathable side panels, elasticated tapes, and a more hourglass elastic shape.....


Hi Maggie: Yes I have tried them and they turn out to be excellent but I wear Tena all-in-one briefs for night time anf find them a little bit better.