
Support for dealing with incontinence
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 1:43 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:24 pm
Posts: 89

Would any one know of any other helpful Incontinence Facebook or Forum support groups as I have issues dealing with mine and find online support useful.


I am not an ABDL, I have medical Incontinence due to spinal damage.
I also have
Autism, ADHD, Bipolar, Physical Disabilities and Anxiety Disorder eg CPTSD, etc

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:27 am 

Joined: Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:46 am
Posts: 381
Location: UK
sjpersonal wrote:

Would any one know of any other helpful Incontinence Facebook or Forum support groups as I have issues dealing with mine and find online support useful.



There are others but I have found this one the best, most knowledgeable and kindest.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 4:33 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:44 pm
Posts: 448
Location: Seattle area
While I have heard of ones on Facebook, I will never frequent them for privacy reasons. Occasionally, I visit the reddit r/Incontinence group, but mostly this group is the most helpful. Not a lot of new posts each day, but if you sift through the older threads, you will find a lot of practical knowledge.

When I was first experiencing IC, I dove into the fetish forums, because there were so many people there willing to give me opinions, always with lots of enthusiasm. I've learned since then that much of that is noise.

- Tom

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2024 12:51 am 

Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:17 am
Posts: 48
The problem with most online incontinence forums is that they quickly get ruined by a few (I think) members of the fetish crowd who seem to spend their whole day trolling those forums. The ones I used to use have either shut down or died off because they took over.

After a while you can spot those users a mile away, but I got manipulated a few times into trying to "help" someone who was actually a fetish fan using me for their own desires. It's very disappointing to put a lot of work into something to help another patient, only to discover the whole thing was a waste of your time. I think a lot of people gave up.

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2024 5:52 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:55 pm
Posts: 81
This is the best site I've found, and I have found it to be extremely helpful over the 13 years I've been managing heavy bladder incontinence.

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2024 7:48 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:45 am
Posts: 1885
When my first urologist tried several medications to help me, and they all failed, I panicked. In flailing around I chanced on folks from several hundred miles away, who patiently began to teach me what I would need to know to function as an incontinent. Much later they came out to me, asking if my wife and I would "join" them. When I refused, our relationship ended. Although I am not one of them, I nevertheless owe them much. I have a high opinion for the expertise of the folks here; I am glad that it has not been co-opted by the fetish crowd.

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 8:02 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:45 pm
Posts: 1957
Location: North Carolina - Raleigh area
ISC is the best. And I say that after lurking or participation in many others. Although many of the fetish-oriented groups have sub-groups for incontinence, the content usually is very superficial.

As many of us have been here for years (I think I have been here for 12 or more years), our most valuable contributions often are deep in the archives. As we have commented on those topics most of concern to us somewhere in the past, we tend not to comment on those same topics in current postings.

That being said, as there is a low level of activity here, interested persons should review the valuable past messages in the archives. Also, most members here are more than happy to respond to a personal message (as am I).

(double incontinent)

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2024 11:53 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:55 pm
Posts: 81
I agree with John. Using the Search function to look up topics by keywords or phrases is a very useful way to glean information from archived messages. I did that a lot when I first became incontinent. Far more effective than Googling the topics on the Internet at large.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:11 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 07, 2021 2:40 pm
Posts: 67
Location: Newmarket Ontario
Welcome to all. I must add my affirmation with the others that this forum is the very best source for those of us who are truly looking for answers and need compassionate , caring , helpful and knowledgeable support. I will share more in time and provide some explanation for my long silence. I am slowly beginning to venture online again to carefully avoid overload.
I will say that I have recently had the green light resection of the prostate (TURP) and I am still in recovery, no more prostate meds for me. This surgery may not correct the incontinence I have due to the rear end car accident I sustained four and half years ago. I will know more after more tests and the follow up.
I will also echo that the archives are priceless and timeless and are a treasure along with a lot of work done by John and others in the primer.

That's all for now, I will talk soon

Paul Henry

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 3:13 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:53 am
Posts: 80
Location: Valencia, Spain
Paul Henry[/

First I´d like to send all my best wishes for a quick recovery to Paul. And hope everything goes as good as possible, lots of courage dude!

Myself haven´t posted very much lately nor read either, but now that the holidays approach I profit this alarged weekend in Marseille France to be updated and gladly answer to this question. Although I agree with most of the opinions (or facts) exposed in the precedent posts (the low participation, the rich content of the archives, etc) about the guys with fetish Ive got an encountered experience. Indeed, there´s those capable to manipulate patients with a medical issue in webs with those purposes to their own sexual satisfaction, ruining websites in the way, whom I despise deeply. But I believe they ain´t the majority, and that these are more or less normal educated people with empathy and respect. And i say this because I do like a site called www.adisc.org in which everything is separated and any unappropiate posts (or profiles) inmediately banned, where in your profile you say if you are IC, fetish, carer, simple visitor etc. and works well because I think they have normally a good knowledge of products, and can exist a profitable dialogue, enriching for incontinents ( it is for me at least :D ). Even there are ic people which were fetish before (what happened to them after becoming it, there´s some interesting opinions about IMHO). To me these are the 2 sites I participate more or less often, there some one left, as nafc. org for example, but from time to time.

So that´s my point of view, about adisc I can understand some people can´t forgive persons having sexual joy about something so serious and that made us suffer very much and most people is unable to imagine even a second what means to us, but if you are open minded I believe it can help. I think a fetish is not volontary as isnt to be hetero or homo or asexual. But while you empathize enough to know that any sexual behaviour towards another one without the consent (and knowledge course) is completely unacceptable, like any other sexual abuse. But the majority understands that (I think) even the enormous kinds of paraphlic species. :shock: Anyway I repeat that I m an IC patient due to spinal injuries, and understand 100% some people don´t wanna even hear about it, and have to be open minded. But to me it works to them too (its more than 10 years i believe) and by the way makes retain a veeery tiny faith on human mankind and a better world is really possible. Hoping it´s useful for somebody or interesting at least, I send my best regards to everybody from my french lunday :lol: cheers!


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