HumanFly wrote:
We really need a company or organisation that's run if not by then for incontinent adults that could make good quality diapers and will listen to their users rather than institutional buyers. Too many manufacturers have perversely changed their designs in the last few years, mostly to a 'modular' central strip and wing design that doesn't wrap around the body properly and feel secure (first Lille then Abena, ID, and Attends) - I think Tena are the only major company that hasn't. We need a choice of cloth backed or plastic, as I know some people prefer the former because they feel less sweaty to them though I don't notice that except when it's very hot. I never experienced this brand because they were never sold in the UK but I've had the same problem with the plastic Abenas (which were discontinued here, then brought back by Drylife, who then also discontinued them) and now it looks like BetterDry are going as well. Nobody seems to have the user's back.
Even though they are based in Germany, the founders of Better Dry are incontinent themselves and know quality. I am not sure if they are going to continue to make their products available to US markets. Both XP Medical and LL Medico have them out of stock.