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Sleep Apnea & Incontinence

Tue Aug 22, 2023 10:04 pm

So yesterday I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea where I stop breathing 52 time on average an hour. I held off for years getting the test done for a couple reasons. One I knew I couldn’t sleep in a lab with people watching me. Second I don’t want a CPAP. Getting older and just worn out from lack of good sleep, my wife's motivation, and the fact that you can do the test at home finally motivated me enough to get it done. I wasn’t surprised by the results I’ve been dealing with being tired for a long time but I have managed.

One thing I asked the doctor was how would it affect my incontinence. At first she thought it would help and then I told her on the rare nights that I sleep well my incontinence is worse. She didn't have answer when I told her this which I appreciated the honesty but the reason I was referred to get a sleep test was because my regular doctor thought it might be a cause. My thoughts are that if I can tolerate the CPAP and I actually sleep better then it will be a lot worse.

With my incontinence getting worse and worse I’ve accepted this consequence and honestly if I can start getting a good nights sleep I’m okay with dealing with the consequence of my incontinence getting worse. I’m just curious what everyone’s experience has been if you started using a CPAP. Was it worth it and did it make issues worse or better?

Thank you

Re: Sleep Apnea & Incontinence

Sat Sep 16, 2023 3:41 am

I’ve been sleeping with a CPAP for years. It changed my life. I was narcoleptic, now I can watch a movie without getting asleep after the opening theme. Sleep apnea also have impact on your health : te risk of heart attack or stroke is far more higher.
Concerning my incontinence, I didn’t notice any change, I’m still wetting my bed every night (I mean my diaper).

Re: Sleep Apnea & Incontinence

Sat Sep 16, 2023 5:06 pm


Thank you for the reply. I’ve heard good things about it by those who can stick with it. I hope I can stick with it. I go pick it up in a week. The older I get I feel the affects of lack of sleep getting to me and I need something that can help.

I guess hearing that you had no change is a good thing since I’m worried my wetting would increase. At this point I guess I shouldn’t care because I’m wearing diapers 24/7 but I do like waking up dry on occassaions.

Re: Sleep Apnea & Incontinence

Sun Oct 08, 2023 8:52 am

I was just recently diagnosed with mild sleep apnea. Like you, I didn't want to wear a CPAP. It was a shock to learn that I do indeed stop breathing during the night while asleep. As far as the CPAP machine worsening or improving my incontinence, I'm afraid I can't be of much use to you. My incontinence is STRICTLY daytime. I'm completely dry at night. I know, you're jealous. Go figure. Of course the fact that I can have an all out FLOOD just after I wake up, and sometimes not make it to the toilet more than "makes up" for not wetting overnight.

Like others here, wearing the CPAP was a game changer. I was pounding down caffine at work just to stay awake, and telling my boss that i needed breaks to just slpash some water on my face to stay awake. All of that is behind me. Insominac nights are rare now.

Good luck with everything. CPAP compliance can be hard, but its worth it.

Re: Sleep Apnea & Incontinence

Mon Oct 09, 2023 12:10 am

Sociologygeek, you got me I am so jealous, LOL. I used to only drip during the day and sometimes flood at night. Now I flood several nights a month at night and sometimes during the day. Long drives are the worse as I don’t seem to feel my bladder filling up when sitting down or laying down. The second I get up it’s like being punched in the gut.

Anyways it’s been about two weeks. I hate the cpap for the most part. I get 4-6 hours of sleep and I do feel more rested while I’m wearing it but once I wake up I cant fall back to sleep with it on. I feel like I am sleeping much deeper with it on but my bed wetting has increased. Out of the last two weeks I have only had 3 dry nights. This is much worse than normal for me but sleep is more important I just want to get to the point that I can sleep all night.

I’m going to ask for a different mask this week. I’m on mask two and I’m going to ask for a nasal only mask this week but I’ll probably need the chin strap to keep my mouth closed which I do not think is going to go over well.

Re: Sleep Apnea & Incontinence

Wed Oct 11, 2023 6:54 pm

I always had a nasal only mask.
Without CPAP i always breathe through the mouth.
With CPAP, it’s more difficult to open the mouth (due to pressure), so worth a try. Good luck.
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