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How many Drs write an RX/letter for diapers?

Fri Aug 05, 2022 9:11 am

So, for this nonprofit, I am strongly considering requiring a prescription or a letter of neccesity from a doctor for a recipent to access incontinence supplies. But my question is, how many urologists and other healthcare professionals would actually write such a letter? Do some, if not most, frown on using absorbent products for management during treatment and long term management if treatment fails? How would I go about finding out? I think it would be a very good idea to require a doc's note because it ensures that incontinece is not going to be untreated/unevaluated by a doctor. My former urologist was awesome, and encouraged me to use them saying "well you need them. without them you'd get infections" She did make other comments about not wearing diapers at my age, etc. Sure, it would be nice if I didn't have to, but that ain't reality. A urologist I saw back in 2008 actually did write a script for "Protective underwear".

What say you all?


Re: How many Drs write an RX/letter for diapers?

Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:00 am

Both my urologist and primary care doc have written scripts for diapers and supplies (chux, lotion, barrier cream and wipes). I have a standing prescription with my primary care doctor

Re: How many Drs write an RX/letter for diapers?

Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:02 am

My doctor wrote a letter of medical necessity for me a long time ago to help processing of insurance claims.
I've never had a doctor discourage me from using diapers and push me to drugs to manage my incontinence. They always defered to whatever worked best for me.
In my case, I tried a few different medications, they didn't work, so I continued using diapers and my doctor was happy to write the letter.

Here's a queston for you, though - how could you tell if a letter or prescription was genuine?

Re: How many Drs write an RX/letter for diapers?

Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:19 am

I have had my urologist write a Letter of Medical Necessity as backup documentation should my income tax medical deductions be challenged. He was very willing to assist.

(double incontinent)
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