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When Doctors cancel your appointments.

Mon Jan 03, 2022 3:56 am

We, after fighting with my doctor's office because the only way I could get seen was to use a different PCP that the doctor canceled on me. (PCP could not see me until May, that is how booked he is)

Now I am left with a dilemma, I could just go to the ER/ED but with all the covid crap up here in Pennsylvania I do not want to.
But the pain and fatigue is getting worse every day and nothing is working.

I was seeing this person to fix paperwork issues, try to figure out something else for pain (that PCP dealt with Pain), and get other stuff set up.

Now I am in pain and only have one option which is to go to the ER/ED.

Not what I wanted to do with my Monday but no other option.
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