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Having issues following Continence Nurse advice

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 7:06 pm
by sjpersonal
Well having issues following Continence Nurse advice of and stopped 3 ltres of water per day as well as 2 movicol per day due to

Really close calls with bladder and bowels
Able to drink a total of 3 ltres per day

Re: Having issues following Continence Nurse advice

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 7:09 am
by greenbank
Hi sjpersonal

Reduced intake of water is a strange I have been told to drink plenty of water 1) to keep hydrated 2) more important it reduces the concentration of urine so when using diapers this reduces dramatically the smell of urine? “Pee clear” is the best stance. Constipation is also a problem that is best dealt with by a doctor to find the underlying cause however there are plenty of natural solutions to help such as more fibre in the diet example include Bran and dried Fig into your daily intake! Again special doctors are best!

Take care!


Re: Having issues following Continence Nurse advice

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 7:17 am
by sjpersonal
Um the nurse is telling me to drink 3 litres of water I must have written it incorrectly sorry

Re: Having issues following Continence Nurse advice

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 7:30 am
by Patrick
The advice to drink enough water to keep your urine dilute may be counter-intuitive, but it is wise. Consuming extra fiber without consulting a physician may not be quite so wise. If your GI system is even partially paralyzed, extra fiber can accumulate over time, eventually becoming a hard, concrete-like mass that can only be passed through surgical intervention. Believe me, when that happens, the pain can be unbearable. Good luck.

Re: Having issues following Continence Nurse advice

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 7:32 am
by sjpersonal

Re: Having issues following Continence Nurse advice

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:56 am
by michael_dahlke
There are some calculators in the web - so if you fire up google you may find ones (sorry - I only know german sides) The intake depends on age, wight, temperature and the way you work. So it’s hard to say if the advice is correct or not. But - yes it is possible to dring to much - however - the common mistake is more the other way around.

Re: Having issues following Continence Nurse advice

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 7:40 pm
by MikeJames
3 liters of water is the normal average intake for most people without thinking about it.

you need to be properly hydrated for a million reasons, but especially when dealing with incontinence. Concentrated urine irritates the bladder AND smells so much worse.

When I first started down this road, i tried to restrict fluids to avoid accidents. I learned pretty quickly why that was a bad strategy. When I read that you need to drink more, not less water, I was pretty hesitant as I knew it would cause more accidents. But honestly, once I adjusted my protection up to handle it, I found that it's much better to leak a higher volume of dilute urine than a smaller volume of concentrated stank juice.

I don't think you need to measure your water intake. people's hydration needs vary so it's not a set amount people should be drinking. Just listen to your body and drink when thirsty and avoid letting yourself get dehydrated. You might leak more, but it will be much better to leak dilute urine. Adjust your protection level as needed.

Re: Having issues following Continence Nurse advice

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:29 am
by realworldic
staying well hydrated is very important for those of us that deal with incontinence, this sounds counterproductive but the benefits of drinking water far exceed the possible increase in output.

concentrated urine by NOT drinking enough water irritates the bladder and this causes more accidents as well as can lead to Interstitial cystitis that can be painful.

Concentrated urine will smell stronger.

concentrated urine can increase the chances of skin breakdown.

3 litters may be too much for YOU as we all need different levels of water each day if your urine is as clear or light yellow that is the true clue your body is well hydrated! Dark or foul-smelling urine is clue you need MUCH more water!