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Grrrr. I hate jerks. Rant.

Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:19 am

Well as if life didn’t suck enough right now. I am also having to deal with the jerks with a credit card that I have. Like hello I haven’t worked in almost three months and your idea of working with me is reducing my payment to $250 a month and jacking my interest rate up to almost 50%. Like hello what part of only having $8 in my account do you not understand. I have had the same card for 12 years and never missed a payment. I am the stone that you cannot sqeeze blood from and that’s the truth. Rant done. Anyone else have to deal with this mess when they got sick??

Re: Grrrr. I hate jerks. Rant.

Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:08 pm

Creditors can be very cruel trying to get money owed... try having a boat loan and be a few days late... just for a heads up, don't get a boat loan ever... very bad decision on my part! live and learn!
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