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holidays away from home

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 7:57 pm
by justej
im away from my home in dc visiting family in colorado.
there are 11 of us here at my folks cabin. its been a challenge.
i do have my own bedroom on the first floor (since i cant go up and down the stairs) but the bathroom everyone uses.
i have all of my supplies in the closet and am using totaldry xplus. these have worked out very well. i brought 5 fabreeze scented bags and put my used diapers in plastic bags then in the fabreeze bag.
my family all knows of my incontinence and are supportive but im pretty private and try to be descrete as possible.

what are others doing to survive the holidays?
especially in a house with a large family?

hope everyone is safe and having a good holiday. if you dont celebrate i just hope you are able to have a relaxing time.