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Last appointment with continence nurse

Thu Jul 26, 2018 12:50 am

Hi all

 Just saw my continence nurse (hospital based) for the last time today and she was supposed to do bladder retraining with me assigned by urologist.

 Previous appointment the nurse stated possible Neurogenic bladder which urodynamics did not show 7 years ago and got me to do a 3 day bladder diary.

When I showed her the diary today she stated the bladder was all over the place and is referring me to a work colleague that does community nursing for a catheter company for pads/equipment which I am afraid of having catheter+bag combination as really self conscious and would really accept pads/nappy as have had to accept by myself (no counseling etc due to not able to speak about it) and I am really active and have issues with things sticking on skin (perhaps sensory issues with asd/aspergers)as well as I am so overweight I will have issues seeing what I am doing inserting Catheter.

Any advice would be greatly accepted.

 Thank you

Re: Last appointment with continence nurse

Thu Jul 26, 2018 6:26 am

Without a comprehensive picture of your medical condition, no medical professional can help you manage your situation successfully. Your embarrassment is understandable; however, it could prevent you from managing your situation successfully.

Re: Last appointment with continence nurse

Thu Jul 26, 2018 6:30 am

Patrick wrote:Without a comprehensive picture of your medical condition, no medical professional can help you manage your situation successfully. Your embarrassment is understandable; however, it could prevent you from managing your situation successfully.

How do you mean they have all the medical knowledge of tests extra

Re: Last appointment with continence nurse

Thu Jul 26, 2018 9:44 am

I can understand your concerns, the nurse may be just trying to get a collection study from you and using a collection system is the best way to track your daily bladder functions over time.
Doctors and nurses have a long track record of suggesting/preferring the uses of catheters and legs bags and seem to not understand the use of absorbent products of course for some people that method of management is a viable or even the only valid option.
but for me, they simply do not allow me to live my life and work the same way a diaper does, climbing ladders with catheters either foley or external (i have had both) is not a viable option. Absorbents have their negatives but for many people, they are better options.

Now you SHOULD be able to tell your nurse you would prefer to use absorbent products and they should be able to help you, If they do not want to help you with this management option you can just purchase your own diapers and not use the Catheter leg bag alternative. or seek another Doctor/ Nurse that will help YOU manage the incontinence instead of trying to do it for you!
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