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Incontinence from drinking Tap Water in England & the EU

Wed Jan 24, 2018 7:35 pm

I am male 60 single & eat healthily, I live in England, gluten free by choice to lower my high blood pressure, have not needed to see a doctor in 5 years.
My brother 62 is also gluten free by choice to stop his arthritic joint pain.
We both were incontinent, excessive & imperative trips to the toilet or would wet pants, my overnight trips were 6 or more, passing upwards to a litre of urine.

We visited our EU uncle in November 2017 for 3 days and improved within 2 days, the third day no toilet trips in the night, also I noticed my number 2’s had hardened, we both noticed the change.

On our return to England, the incontinence returned within 12 hours after drinking ‘tap water’.

In 2016 I was in the EU for a month I drank tap water then, it was like being in England so never questioned it, overnight trips were 6 or more, just a every day occurrence.

We guessed that our lifestyle change was the trip, we realized that our EU uncle’s mains tap was fitted with a ‘in-line carbon water filter’, it was used for all the cooking and drinking in his home.

We both have altered what we now drink, my brother uses a ‘carbon filtered water’ he is now okay.
It took me longer ‘carbon filtered water’ was not enough, I still had problems, I had to detox for a month with bottled water, cheapest was ‘chase spring water’ sold by Aldis/Tesco.
(Not all bottled waters are safe, some I found are like tap water so am wary)

I can now use ‘carbon filtered water’ for drinking and also for cooking.
My toilet visits during the day are when I want to go & at night down to 1 or 2 visits expelling 300-400 ml, I sleep better. My blood pressure has improved also.

I have had relapses, not all food café's ‘carbon filter’ there water before selling hot drinks to clients. Each episode takes me 24 to 48 hours to detox.

There is something in England & EU mains water supplies which forces me to go more often than need be, I do not know which of the additives they add to clean the water to make it safe for consumption. I just wish they did not add it, maybe use something similar, but without the side effects.

Re: Incontinence from drinking Tap Water in England & the EU

Thu Mar 22, 2018 1:57 am

were are you based, i'm in nottingham and our water often tastes funny :?:

Re: Incontinence from drinking Tap Water in England & the EU

Thu Mar 22, 2018 11:26 pm

Mansfield water tastes disgusting, Newark not so bad.

Re: Incontinence from drinking Tap Water in England & the EU

Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:25 am

Although not related to English tap water on the last two extended vacations I've been on I've experienced greatly increased urination frequency with much smaller quantities. As soon as I returned home the frequency issues went away. I will say that I didn't notice anything different in the way the water tasted at either location. My only guess is that it may have something to do with the microorganisms in the water or as you mentioned minerals/chemicals.

Re: Incontinence from drinking Tap Water in England & the EU

Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:41 am

I live in Nuneaton my water supplier is severn trent, through I still carbon filter the water for drinking and cooking.
My incontinence is almost under control except that I have an allotment and grow my own vegetables. This year with the lack of rain I was forced into watering the plants with tap water instead of rain water. Salad, cabbages and potatoes etc, what ever is in the tap water that makes me incontinent is now in my veg, so every evening when I eat it, I know that throughout that night I'll be forced to go to the loo a lot.
next year hopefully it will be wetter, I will conserve rain water for essential watering.
My theology is if you grow it you must eat it.
I hate wasting all the time and effort i put in to growing it to throwing it away because of my incontinence problem.

has anyone out there tested themselves, to see if water is an issue!

Non prescribed herbal meds and why I take them.
(They may make me more incontinent, I just do not know)

Alpha Lipoic acid 100 to 200 mg daily,
Initial use to cure first stage type2 diabetes in 2007, reduced my bmi of 29 to bmi 23 over a period of 9 months, now use it daily with evening meal to keep my blood sugars in a safe zone. If I overeat stops me falling asleep afterwards.
May stop cancer cured a chap in the USA of liver cancer. Helps with my vision. Hereditary Gaul stones on my mothers family side it erodes them away.(did mothers)
Alpha Lipoic acid should not be taken if thyroid problem present.

melatonin 1mg with added b6, 1 tablet nightly (with a shot of boiled dandelion root coffee and half glass water) milk stops it working so I don't drink for 2 to 3 hours before.
Initial use to help me sleep as have tinnitus in right ear and noises that stop me sleeping. Now keeps me sleeping after frequent incontinence trips to toilet.
hereditary Crohn's disease on my mothers family side, It may help to stop it, i don't want a colostomy like my mother had.

Vitamin d3 60iu, 1 every other day, I suffer from high blood pressure, hereditary on my mothers family side, tried intense exercising 3 times daily (hurt myself), went gluten free lowered it for awhile, finally found I was lacking in the vitamin, even after being outside on sunny days I still don't get enough. Blood pressure now okay.

Humming for a minute till I am out of breath, brings my blood pressure down by 10 points, stops my migraines quickly, stops worries and depressing thoughts, can reduce pain.

Very Cold feet at night stops me sleeping, so wear sock on right foot only, works for me.

Gluten free has lowered blood pressure, but side effect was it gave me cold hands and feet, have to eat egg in morning to warm up.

Ginger root tablet, 1 taken as required, stops stomach ache and diarrhea, gets my appetite back.

Scarf at night if throat sore or have cold, it reduces coughing.

Aspirin 75mg, colds increase my blood pressure, aspirin thins the blood so lowers it.

Creatine monohydrate and glucosamine hydrochloride powder 3 ml of each in half glass water stirred with fork and drunk weekly (no acid drinks 4 hours before or after) reduces my knee, hip and back pain, helps with repetitive strain injuries. I have found this combination and amount lasts for the whole week.

Shopping, I say to myself do you deserve it and most times I say no, and when I say yes they are gone that same day I have no willpower to ignore them, so any meals I make I make from scratch.
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