
Support for dealing with incontinence
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 2:20 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:24 pm
Posts: 88
Urine volumes and samples in Australia

Sorry 2 questions

How long did it take people to learn how much volume they leaked over a certain period and circumstances as I am struggling to figure this out.

I had a meeting with my RN, who is doing my continence assessment and helping me find the correct products (as I have sourced most, if not all, the appropriate plastic-backed products I could in Australia). I am not sure if I am missing any, as these are what I was able to find. She stated that I will pee in different volumes in different circumstances.

Sorry, this is all doing my head in

Are there any Samples I am missing as require plastic backed due to allergies(as I have already received these and will be taking them to my appointment sometime in January which I have emailed the list to her

I am looking for a good capacity of 1 or 2 changes per day and one change per night (I have Nocturnia and OSA)

Rearz Lil Monsters

Rearz Mega Critter

Rearz Critter Caboose

Rearz Mermaid Tails

Rearz Safari

NRU STR8up Adult Nappy

Tykables Overnights

Tykables Lil builders

DinoRawrZ - XLarge

PeekABU - Large

TinyTails - Large

LittlePawz - Large

TREST Elite Briefs Blue

Incontrol BeDry Premium Premium

NorthShore MEGAMAX

Mega Inspire+ Adult Diapers 11000ML Sample Pack -

Incontrol BeDry Premium Nights Sample Pack 12000m

I am not an ABDL, I have medical Incontinence due to spinal damage.
I also have
Autism, ADHD, Bipolar, Physical Disabilities and Anxiety Disorder eg CPTSD, etc

PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 2:52 am 
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Joined: Fri Feb 20, 2015 7:49 pm
Posts: 1430
Location: washington, dc
Im still confused as to how a government agency will pay for fetish diapers. And you mentioned northshore, which is an American company which would be really expensive to ship to Australia.

That in addition to to your posts about sex/masturbation....just sounds like fetish stuff

PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 3:02 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:24 pm
Posts: 88
justej wrote:
Im still confused as to how a government agency will pay for fetish diapers. And you mentioned northshore, which is an American company which would be really expensive to ship to Australia.

That in addition to to your posts about sex/masturbation....just sounds like fetish stuff

Unfortunately its not :'(

Due to spinal damage I have an IDC and need to relearn ho to do "it" :'( and I am allergic to all the medical ones in Australia as they are they cheap medical clothed backed disposables (documented evidence from treating urologist) with abena unfortunately the "best" medical grade here :'( Hopefully there are other Australian's here on here to back me up :'(

Unfortunately, due to specialist negligence since 2009 (been a member since 2012) I developed issues around incontinence (and only the last 2 years) been seeing an Urologist due to health system abuse I haven't had a Urologist I have had to get all information from non Australian Forums :'(.

I am not an ABDL, I have medical Incontinence due to spinal damage.
I also have
Autism, ADHD, Bipolar, Physical Disabilities and Anxiety Disorder eg CPTSD, etc

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