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Should have just ...

Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:20 pm

I should have just wet that darn diaper!!! I just went to the bathroom. Had plenty of time this round. Figured I could make it and did. Dropped pants and proceeded to relieve myself only to find out that I am now wetting my briefs that I use to contain and muffle my diaper under my pants. Wouldn't you know I carry spare diapers with me all the time but never spare briefs. I'm more prepared to wet the diaper and change the diaper than to try to use the restroom and make a mess that way. I'm quite annoyed and frustrated right now. Sorry, just needed to vent.

Re: Should have just ...

Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:53 pm

I hate to be a downer with this stuff on your mind but the fact of the matter is that little things like this will happen time to time. We have a condition that makes life a bit more challenging then most but it still does not make life impossible. Wine of the things I hate is when I change to dry protection, the second I get dressed, I feel myself leak. Sometimes, I just want to be dry, even if it is just 10-15 minutes. That bugs me to no end.


Re: Should have just ...

Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:07 pm

I feel you there :(... I don't know why the heat is making it worse, but twice today I had to change protection and within minutes... I was wetting again. The headaches from dehydration don't help. It feels like a vicious losing battle sometimes and makes you want to scream...

It was so embarrassing to ask my wife to leave the store so we could go back to the car for me to grab a change, which she had to hide in her purse till we got to a restroom... I wanted to crawl into a hole

Re: Should have just ...

Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:49 pm

So frustrating, glad your wife was there to hide a diaper in her purse for you . My wife has done the same for me on a few occasions. I also echo the sentiment about the heat, it makes my condition with urinary frequency much worse. I peed 25 times yesterday before the wife finally put a foley in me before bed last night, I was miserable.......

Re: Should have just ...

Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:06 am

Rope, I can understand the just wanting to be dry for a bit feeling. I wet like crazy first thing in the morning until I shower. Then of course I'm peeing like crazy in the shower. Hey. Why not? It all goes down the drain right? I get out of the shower and dry off and then I just need to sit for a minute to cool off or I'm sweating from the humidity I just created with my shower. That is often the time that I feel like I'm leaking and I'm wearing nothing. That bothers me. So I try to cool off as soon as I can so I can put on a diaper. Once the diaper is on I'm good. Then some days I can feel things and get to the bathroom in time and some days I can't and I feel it when it comes out.

I still don't get that. I can't control it flowing but can feel it flowing. That part just boggles my mind.
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