I have had my bag searched before and the TSA agent didn't even bat an eye in the section my carry on diapers were in. She could have easily pulled them out, but just left them alone while going to another area of my bag looking for what triggered my bag to be pulled. I had my personal and work laptop in my bag and that was what triggered the search. On another occasion, my checked baggage was searched. In the discussion
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2749&hilit=+TSA that was discussed and what I found in my suitcase.
Whenever I do fly I carry a TSA disability card. It allows you to communicate with the TSA agent about your condition without saying it out loud. It doesn't get you out of being search, but notifies the agent of your disability. It can be found here.
https://www.tsa.gov/sites/default/files ... rd_508.pdf