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Please post any forum ideas here

Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:00 pm

We want to hear from you!!

Please post any ideas or suggestions that you may have for this forum.



General Discussion

Sat Nov 13, 2004 7:29 am

Hi Schoppy,

Yes, the feature "Posts since last visit" is great! I just tried it and it did take me to new posts. That addresses one of my issues!

Now as for attracting posts....some one thought the various categories might "turn off" potential posters, not sure where (or even how) to go about getting a post in.

Can you add on the front page level of the forum a "GENERAL DISCUSSION" category? That might well act as the simple forum we'd like to see where you just post, period. Posts appear in latest post at top and you can just read the thread down.

I know we have a "GENERAL QUESTIONS" category there, but I'll bet some will take that literally and if they have a contribution rather than a question they will NOT post. We want them to post anything-comments, remarks, ideas, observations, experiences, concerns, questions. I know it's symantics, but we're trying to attract some traffic!

General Discussion topic

Sat Nov 13, 2004 10:54 am

Joe, thats a great idea.
I have now updated the forum to reflect your suggestion.


Thu Nov 18, 2004 2:41 pm

IMHO, the icons in black, brown and grey are hard to read and find. For instance, the "Post Reply" icon. David

changing color of buttons

Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:11 am

There is no way for me to easly change the color of the buttons (or icons) that you can click on.



Sun Dec 19, 2004 1:55 am

Well, actually you can do something about that without too much trouble or work. phpBB has a LOT of extra templates (themes) you can add (not hard to do). After that, users (only those that have registered mind you) have a choice of what style they want.

I must admit the colors (yellow on black) are a hard for me to read :(

Ideas for this forum

Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:43 pm

I only became aware of this site 3 days ago and now I have the "chutzpah" to suggest improvements. Very selfishly I suggest that you might want to consider initiating the following subjects: 1) How did you become incontinent? ; 2) What support, suggestions, recommendations did the medical pros offer you when they first informed you?;3) How did your condition affect your relationship with spouse, family, friends, etc.?;4) In general, did any of your fears, worries, concerns ever materialize?; 5) If you were to meet a newly incontinent person, what potential problems would you alert him to?; 6) How did you find/select your first incontinent supplies?; 7) Other than those actiivities required in attending your incontinence, what other changes have occured because of your condition?; 8) Do you think that any other person (relative, friend, co-worker) knowing of your condition has changed their attitude of you?


Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:25 am

Hello Wesley and welcome to our forum.

You have some good ideas for the forum topics.
Thanks for the suggestions. :)

Re: Please post any forum ideas here

Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:40 pm

I do a large bit of my interneting with an Android tablet. I notice that the forum software used here doesn't work well with any browser except IE. You may want to mention that on the sign up page- I tried using 4 different browsers before I could set up my account.

One thing I do use a lot is a forum reader known as Tapatalk. You might want to consider registering this forum with them, as the only incon forum they currently support is not really geared towards true ic folks.

Thank you for all of your efforts to make this forum exist.

Re: Please post any forum ideas here

Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:13 pm

How about a forum just on condom catheters? That way you can just go to it instead of searching for topics
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