Disposables or cloth diapers? And why?
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Dry 24/7 Diaper Review

Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:57 am

I received the 2 samples of the "new" Dry 24/7 yeaterday, and found the new diaper to be a BIG improvement over their old diaper. Over all, the diaper has very good quality but the sizing is still a bit of an issue at least in the medium size. The small, and large sizes maybe fine,.... but the medium size still has sizing issues that affects the fit.

Before buying a case, or package of thes new style diapers, I would recommend purchasing just the sample package of consisting of 2 diapers. The cost of the sample package is $10, but you receive a $5 discount when you purchase a case.

Take note,.......if you order the sample package it will contain 2 diapers in DIFFERENT sizes unless you contact the company and request 2 diapers in the same size.
Last edited by johnstone on Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:10 pm

What is the sizing issue :?: ...........................Sandy :)

Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:00 am

The Dry 24/7 medium size diaper is still too big and this causes a problem with the fit. Their "new" diaper is a LOT better than the diaper they use to manufacture, but they still have a ways to go before I would spend $100 a case consisting of 72 diapers. What they need to do is use the Abena X-Plus as a sizing template and size their prodcut(s) like Abena. IMO, if Dry 24/7 can overcome the sizing problem they have with their diapers they would become a serious competitor to the Abena X-Plus.


Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:04 pm

Hey Johnstone, what size pants do you wear, I was thinking of ordering some. I have found that the Abena and Bambino in the medium is almost too small and the Large is a little too big. The Large Bambino fits pretty well as for as height front and back ...but the leg openings are a little big.

Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:09 pm


You might like the sizing on the Dry 24/7 since they have a larger fit. However, I still recommend that that you try the sample package before buying a case. I've used both the Abri X-Plus, and Bambino in the medium size and found the fit to be fine for me.

Like many, I like to try out new products. I guess I'm still looking for the "perfect" diaper whatever that is. I stll think the Abri X-Plus is the best disposable on the market and there are some pretty good products out there.

Dry Care

Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:02 am

I used my first Dry Comfort last night, I must say they are the most comfortable and absorbent that I have used. They have a new loyal customer, I have always found Abri/Bambino Mediums too small and their Larges too big. In contrast the dry comfort is just right. they do seem to swell up quite a bit though, not a problem for me, also you can barely feel the wettness.

Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:39 pm

I've been trying the Dry 24/7 diaper lately. I have been using medium Abena X-plus and have been satisfied with them, but my sedentary life style seems to have resulted in a few extra lbs getting added, making mediums a little tight but large too big. The Dry 24/7 seem to fit right between the two Abena sizes. The Dry 24/7 is a very absorbent diaper, it expands a great deal when wet and I have no problem getting by with two good wets. When I change, I notice that all the wetness is concentrated up front, the back is dry. This has made me think I can wait for a third wetting, thinking less changes = less cost as these are pretty expensive diapers. Don't do it. Because the front has done the expanding, a third wetting ends up leaking. The SAP/fluff combination doesn't allow wetness transfer to the back of the diaper. I seem to get about the same performance with Abena X-plus and they don't expand as much because they tend to spread out the wetness to the whole diaper rather than all up front. I bought a case so I guess I'll be using these for awhile. I like the size and they seem to work better at night because I get better side coverage (I use bambino extendors at night). All in all, Dry 24/7 is a good diaper. I like them better than Bambino diapers, mostly because I hate the tape panel. Hope that helps someone that needs a bit more room but don't find large diapers the answer.

Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:02 pm

Hello Everyone

I just got back from a trip to Walt Disney World and had a wonderful time.
:D :D :D :D

The only diapers that I took along with me was the Dry 24/7 and the Bambino (yes they had the teddy bear print hehe).

Both diapers did a great job while I was walking around and enjoying the rides. The 24/7 did do a better job at night but both did a great job for my trip.
I did wear my plastic pants over them day and night and there was a couple times that I was glad that I had them on. IE: the Tower of Terror ride. Boy was I glad that I had a diaper on hehe

Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:12 pm

I thought I'd add my two cents to this discussion. I'm Ray, by the way. I've been wearing diapers since 2005 after a minor kidney procedure went bad. I don't comment too frequently but this board has been a very valuable resource for me.

I have a case of the Dry 24/7 diapers that I got from Gary at XP when they were recently on sale. There are lots of things I like about these diapers. Mostly that they are all white, that the outer cover is still plastic, that the outer cover is thicker than others, and that they are very absorbent. That being said, the diaper doesn't wick very well. When it gets wet, it seems to just stay in one area and doesn't spread around. After two wettings, it tends to leak a little. Either that or there's a small pin hole in every one. To summarize, the Dry 24/7 diaper is a great product. I have no problem wearing them at all. However, given their price, I tend to think the Abena X-Plus and the Bambino Diapers (I stick to the all white ones!) are equally as good and certainly less expensive.

Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:44 am

I too tried the 24/7 from Gary ... WOW! These will be my new night time diapers. While I tried to get the cloth thing down, I just couldn't get things to work right; so I'm sticking with disposables. And the 24/7's fill the void (sorry, couldn't avoid the pun :roll: )! Yes, they are the most expensive I've tried; but they sure do handle the flood without a booster!
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