Disposables or cloth diapers? And why?
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Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:20 pm

My goodness, I just can't stop wondering why I never thought of this before. It's so obvious once you think about it.

What I wonder about even more is that about twenty years worth of doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other highly trained professionals who deal with incontinence on a day-to-day basis have never, ever ventured the suggestion to look into cloth diapers.

Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:59 pm

The answer to that Maria, is that NONE of them have had a "nocturnal enuresis episode" (wow don't I sound all medical now" LOL!!!) and really have no general realistic idea on what it is like to be incontinent, day or night. :cry: The only people that have any idea on what does and doesn't work are those battling/living with the problem to begin with. As far as I am concerned, they are clueless to what we have on out plate, both my doc and the Urologist I saw definetly fall into that catagory. :? This forum has provided me with more info then any amount of docs/specialists out there by far, for that I am thankful... :D :D :D and I will stick to cloth at night too, thanks! :P Puffy

Treating inco vs. living with it

Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:30 pm

Maria wrote:My goodness, I just can't stop wondering why I never thought of this before. It's so obvious once you think about it.

What I wonder about even more is that about twenty years worth of doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other highly trained professionals who deal with incontinence on a day-to-day basis have never, ever ventured the suggestion to look into cloth diapers.


I never want to dismiss professionals, and I'm under the care of one
for my bladder (and now prostate) issues, but --

their view of incontinence is "clinical" and that's the best way I can describe it. "Clinical" involves treatments, medications, procedures,
tests, monitoring, checking for cause, searching for cure, etc.

Meanwhile, we who are incontinent or wet at night are left to deal with
the daily or nightly management of our condition. Not always exactly

How best to manage is what we share here. Practical, informative, and helpful. Of course, we advocate a proper and continuing "clinical" involvement with medical professionals. That's a given. But our
forums and discussions here can offer each of us a lot.

Your new awareness of cloth diaper use at night is just a case in point.

Nearly 20 years ago, following a back (spinal) injury that is the basis for my urinary incontinence today, I was fortunate to find a support group
for adults with incontinence issues (modeled then after ideas in the
Simon Foundation For Continence newsletter). It was from attendance
at this support group (about 3 years post injury) that I met and later entered a two year relationship to a woman with disability.

She had been a low level paraplegic for about 20 years, dealing each day with her bladder issues, using many techniques. From her came the most practical and imformative common sense advice that I've ever experienced all at once. Trust me, she was a godsend at the time and to this day. Use of cloth (gause) at night and waterproof pants to best prevent leaks for side sleepers was just one method she used, and recommended to me. It works! She had learned from trial and error and was wise enough to pass on some valued, down-to-earth advice on how to manage MY incontinence. Also, sources for products then available, both disposable AND reuseable, mail order lists, product evaluations, day vs. night protection requirements, skin care, hygiene,
and all that.

We dissolved our relationship when she was transferred back to Europe, but we've stayed in touch since. NO, she's not a member here, though
I suggested this community to her a time or two.

Thus, the personal sharing here augments the clinical for many and is just plain helpful, informative. I've continued to learn and I hope I've shared a little, too.

Welcome, Maria. I hope you continue to find this place helpful and useful.


Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:45 pm

Welcome Maria. It took the better part of a year for my doctor to suggest I try "absorbent products" (her terminlolgy) to manage my lack of bladder control. She had first suggested that I try a cath which didn't work very well for me. I'm pretty active and I can be a restless sleeper so the cath just was not an option. Since my incontinence is due to permanent nerve damage drugs were not an option. Still it seemed that she was extremely reluctant to suggest that I try diapers. I'm not sure why the medical community shys away from suggesting using diapers to manage incontinence but they do. It took me a long time to accept that I'd have to deal with this the rest of my life but it has gotten better over the years. I still get down from time to time as I imagine many of us do. Diapers have just become so much of a part of my daily/nightly routine that I seldom give them much thought any longer.

Re: Any suggestions for side sleepers?

Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:22 pm

I mentioned this on another post. For side sleepers wearing a cloth diaper, go to babykins.com. They sell a very good quality protective vinyl pant that is terry lined. This is a leakpruf pant that will protect you!

Re: Any suggestions for side sleepers?

Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:30 pm

Professionals that are Schooled are allot like Preachers that have been schooled. They know what they have been taught. But don't have any real world experience walking it out themselves. The best Preachers I've ever sat under are the ones that never went to school. They became preachers by walking the walk. Not talking the talk.

If your new to incontinence. You will learn far more about living with it from one of us veterans who has walked it. Then you will ever learn from a schooled professional. While I Agree it's good to get it checked out in order to be sure it's not something more serious. Don't get to caught up with them either. Some will try to cure you come hell or high water. Often causing more problems then what the initial problem was.................Sandy :)
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