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Shaving my diaper area

Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:06 am

Perhaps this has been asked before however I just recently began shaving my diaper area. Firstly because I believe it cuts down on body/urine odor throughout the day and secondly, I kinda like the look. Just looking for advise.

I currently am shaving every morning during my shower. I use a Bic razor and shower gel as it seems to work quite well. Once I towel off I apply an ample amount of lotion to the newly shaved area.

So any tips on technique or anything that lessens regrowth of hair.

Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:31 pm

I tried shaving my diaper area once. I ended up with a rash that didn't want to go away. Then there was the itch when the hair grew back. :cry: I've not shaved it since.

Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:35 pm

Have you ever noticed how this subject has a way of coming around? I've been there done that :roll: I use to do it once in awhile if I had a rash back when that use to be a more common issue. Now I find if I just keep myself (how should I say) well Groomed or Mowed down there :oops: Basically just keep it real short I'm good to go :) If you shave it all off you have to go through the itching stage as it grows back :shock: Which when in public can be a real issue :oops: Beside if you get any kind of razor burn it will really burn if any pee hits it :cry:
To each they're own. my two cents says keep it short not shaved.

......................Sandy :)

Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:32 pm

I too have seen this one come back around on other incontinence sites as well.

Everyone will have a different experience with this. For the last two years I have been keeping it all off. I have been blessed that when it starts to grow back it doesn't start itching. For me it has helped me keep smell down and rashes away. I use diaper rash cream a lot and keeping it clean and clear helps clean up as well.

We all have to find what works best for us.

Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:08 pm

I have always shaved the areas myself, right since being a kind and starting to grow hair like everyone does when they hit puberty. so essentially i had never had the experience of having pubic hair.
but when i went for my surgery in 2006 i was too sick to deal with shaving, for a start i could barely move my arms, but i noticed the smell in the diaper area was horrible and i felt.. shall we say unclean?
though i have recently started shaving again, i take a medication called ciclosporin, its an antirejection medication, but one of the side effects is it increase hair growth!
now if i dont shave for week i look like a bear :shock:

but i did find an all over body shaver by philips which claimed to shave 'all body zones' which works very well and eliminates the rashes, lumps and bumps that come with constant shaving with razor blades.


I've been

Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:57 am

shaving every few days for over 20 years now. I don't get any itching and enjoy being able to clean the fecal matter off much easier than when matted into the hair!

Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:38 pm

For me, if I shave (down to the skin) I seem to get more sweaty and sticky, which is uncomfortable. I've purchased a personal groomer (not a hot blonde, that shaves me at my whim) and I just cut all the hair at the lowest setting. This eliminates the prickly feeling of hair growing back, and it leave "just enough" there to not feel like every bit of my skin is sticking to itself.

This method of trimming, if you will - has been the best out of every combination I've tried.

Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:13 pm

I shave about 2x a week with Venus razors for women. They work quite well and I don't get any razor burn. I also use womens shave gel for sensitive skin. I think it helps me stay clean. I don't get any rashes. I just make sure I shave before I go to the doctor. I don't like body hair as it is. When I use to be into triathlons (before I became ill and incon), I used to shave my whole body except for my head. Back then, I had a military high and tight. I despise body hair. I think its gross. So I will always shave.

Re: Shaving my diaper area

Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:48 pm

I have to agree with Sandy on just trimming it short. After a couple of ingrown hairs from shaving convinced me.

Re: Shaving my diaper area

Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:11 pm

I've been keeping it all off for a few months. Considering getting laser treatment so I don't have to bother with it for a long time.
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