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Changes to Attends Diapers

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 1:39 pm
by Noe
I recently received a case of Attends Underwear pull-ups from XP Medical. I had been using this product regularly for almost a year. Unfortunately it seems to have been redesigned. The fit is much tighter in the waist than it used to be. Attends Underwear is a unisex product. The old version had room in the front for male anatomy, but the new version does not. If guys are using this, they will probably need to find something else.

I wrote to XP Medical about the change, and received the following response.

It appears there have been changes on quite a few Attends products recently that we were not informed of.

Evidently there have been unexpected changes to multiple Attends products. Forum readers may want to investigate this before buying anything else from Attends.

The new version does not work for me, so I have switched to the Abena Delta Form. The Attends were $60 for a case of 80, and the Abenas are $80 for a case of 80. The price difference is not enormous. As I get used to them, I am finding that I prefer the briefs.


Re: Changes to Attends Diapers

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 1:40 pm
by Porkchop
Thank you for the update! :)

Re: Changes to Attends Diapers

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:00 am
by Überaktive
I may be wrong but it seems tahat Attens Slip Regular is no lobger available with a cloth backing? Or perhaps they had another cloth-backed brief that has been retired. It seems Slip Active isn't available either, at least in Europe. Just FYI, in case you are customed to use either product.