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Brooms and Diapers

Mon May 09, 2011 4:09 pm

Hello from Witch City. That's Salem, Mass, hence the title of the post.

Basically, I've been suffering from urge incontinence all my life. When I was younger it wasn't as big of a deal because my life was divided between home and school. So I was always near a toilet and rarely had to wait long before getting into the bathroom. I also lived in an area that was heavily rural in parts, so stopping behind a tree or bush wasn't an issue either.

Unfortunately, I also have Asperger's, which is a form of autism. Part of the package was an extreme sensitivity to the sensation in my bladder, which makes me very uncomfortable. Simply put, if I hold it for anylength of time, the sensation of pressure becomes so unbarable that I'm forced to let loose or I can't function. This lead to quite a few incidents, mostly in family and social situations where a bathroom or appropriate area to pee wasn't always accessible.

Fortunately I did have one or two close friends who knew about my bladder issue and it was never a problem for them.

As my adult years went on, however, things got more complicated. When I was working at K-mart for example, in the electronics department, I was not able to leave the department alone due to shoplifting. So I had to call a person up to cover for me, which and of itself was a hassle because that person might not always show up on time, or they wouldn't have my numbers so they couldn't ring a customer out. (Electronics items and anything that had to be taken off of a lock fixture had to be rung up in the department)

So, it became less of a hassle to just wear diapers again when getting to the toilet wasn't going to be an option. I'd been wearing them on and off since high school and more recently I've had to wear the more frequently as public restrooms become few and far between.

Now I'm in Salem, Massechusetts. I'm hoping to make my fortune here as it were, but luck has fallen hard on me and I am currently homeless. (No, before you ask, my family and going back to Vermont are not options) The shelter staff have been great about helping me get diapers and absorbant underpants and a combination of pounding the pavement and making use of the library computers will hopefully dig me out of the hole I'm currently in.

Whew. Hope that wasn't too long winded.

Mon May 09, 2011 4:18 pm

Welcome Date.

There are lots of good members here. There is also some very good information.

Good luck on the job search. I hope the right employer finds you soon.

Great subject line!

Wed May 11, 2011 5:54 am

Hi Nate,
Well, you sure got my attention with your subject line; Brooms and Diapers.

Welcome to the Forum; I sure hope we can provide some support while wishing you the best of luck "digging out of your hole" as you put it. Life sure can be hard, and it is seldom fair! No question about that!
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