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Looking for input.

Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:17 pm

Hi guys and gals,
I was hoping to get someone with roughly the same thing I'm going through to let me vent to them. I have been told I have OAB and urge incont. I have been having the urge thing for a few years but managed it fine with running to the bathroom all the time. Well it it started getting out of hand with wetting the bed almost a year ago and now I am having daytime accidents at work. They are not a lot but out of fear I am wearing some sort of protection full time at work because I don't want anyone to find out. I have a odd schedual with work and I am there for long periods of time and even sleep there.
I have an apointment for my first cycoscopy in three days and I am scared to death. I'm worried about it hurting alot, about it making things worse and most of all that they will tell me there is nothing I can do or worse they don't know what is going on.
Please any input would be nice.

Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:53 pm

Often times it may take several visits to clearly see whats going on. I had an urodynamics test a couple of months ago and as with anything, it was uncomfortable have the catheter inserted into the bladder but it was completely bareable. The results for that test showed OAB but did not show my urge incon. For me some days are better than others. Just last week I had a camera shoved through the urethra. I had as much discomfort as the urodynamics test. During that test the dr did not discover anything remarkable with my bladder but he did discover an enlarged prostate. Which I found out during my research can cause overactivity of the bladder due to the reduction of the urethra it takes more pressure from the bladder to void urine and even then you can experiance incomplete voids. As far as discomfort goes it does not last long. If you ever had an injury that reqiured sticthes, the shots to numb the area of the injury hurt far worse than having the camera inserted. Good luck to you and hope something can be discovered.
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