There are MANY different types.
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Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:47 pm

disposable wearer here, i havent tried the cloth diapers, mostly because of the convenience of the disposable and the fact i go to a laundromat to do my laundry

CES also

Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:53 pm

hi....another of the CES folks here, too.

Welcome to our group, CSW.


Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:54 pm

I have a degenerative condition & other health issues. I have been dealing with bladder and bowel incontinence to some degree or another for 7 years. For me I'm now pretty much in a wheelchair and or bed 24/7 and doubly incontinent completly for the last year or so. I wear diapers fulltime and am on too many medications to list.

Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:15 pm

Hi, I'm Matt and I have an overactive bladder(urge incontinence)with overflow incontinence and off/on bowel issues. I recently started to wear diapers at night as the medication i was on for bedwetting didn't really work well anymore. I'm thinking about wearing them during the day as it is getting harder and harder for me to avoid a accident. It's hard to accept that I might have to wear them during the day as well as at night. Thanks for listening. P.S. I am only 24


Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:47 am

Welcome to the board. We are all here to help if you should have any questions. You are rather young, but incontinence effects all ages.
A lot of us here are daytime diaper wearers too. You have to sort of experiment to find what's best for you depending on the protection you're looking for.
If you have any questions or comments, just let us know! ......Paul Martin

Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:50 pm

Hi Matt
Welcome to the board! :)
When I was your age I was full time belted pads during the day and full blown diapers at night. I was a little older then you when I changed to full blown diapers 24/7 But like I've stated before in other post when I finally gave in to the tape on diapers 24/7 it kind of gave me a new release on life. I wasn't afraid of going to places without a rest room near by or dealing with the constant fear of leaking and having the world see it :oops:

In a small way you are blessed to have the choices you have today as in what to wear. When I was your age we had Depends Attends and a few store Junk brands to choose from :? It wasn't until a number of years later that I found Tena, Molicare, Abena, Prevail, First quality and so on, mostly thanks to the internet age.

Please veiw some of my other threads like "helping another" You may find that one helpful it deals with two young ladies around your age who are diapered full time 24/7 The one that started that thread that I referr to as my "young friend" is a very pretty gal who is/was very popular always liked to dress in a way to show herself off. But due to a surgary she had that left her fully incontinent she's had to re think many parts of her life.

Also there is my friend Jane who wears Tape on diapers 24/7 she has three kids. and a husband that treats her very poorly. She is a wonderful young lady who now works for us full time.

Both of these ladies mean allot to me and I've enjoyed working with them to help them over come/live with their conditions. I've also Enjoyed sharing the ups and downs with others on this board that I've had with those two ladies :)

.......................Sandy :)

Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:42 pm

Thank you Paul and Sandy for your wonderful support. If I have any questions, I will let you know. Thanks again for being there for me. I hope that the two of you have a wonderful day or evening which ever one it is. :D -Matt

Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:38 am

Hi all, as I was looking this post over, I realized that I had never answered this question. I guess in part because the Dr. hasn't given a final, this is what you have.

So the easiest way for me to answer this is, from what all I have read, I have urge, some stress, overflow, overactive, and whatever it is caused that makes you not empty all the way. I have had one medical place just call it the neuogenic (sp) bladder and the treatments I have don't help my incontinence because my bladder gets stretched out way beyond the norm. When they cath me during the procedure, many times they pull out 1200 to 1500 cc, they have to use two urinals to empty me and that doesn't count how my I had already leaked into my diaper.

Re: Type of Incontinence

Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:23 pm

Schoe wrote: Some of you who have to wear protection 24/7 eventually learn to live with it but when you can go for a week or two or three or once even for a month and a half with no incontinence and then BAM, its back again for a while and then gone, you cannot get a handle on it and it just messes with your life. But then again, it could be worse.

Shcoe, i smpathize compelety. My incotnience is VERY unpredictable at times, and worse, i have no definete answer to what is causing it. Ive seen a urologist, we exauhted taking drugs, they didn't help, they did urodynamics, but everything was normal, cytoscopy was normal. Basically he told me just live with it, or face some expensive invasive stuff that has no guarantee of working. Next step is to see a neurologist. im stuck in diapers most of the time, since i can never predict when i will leak.

Sun Nov 23, 2008 9:42 am

I'm not sure way, but for whatever reason I really never gave much thought to those that only experience occasional incontinence. For those of us who are incontinent 24/7, we manage the issue daily. When your incontinent 24/7, you learn what products work best for your needs and move forward. There is never any question in my mind if I will be wet today or not.....every day is the same in that sense. I would think if you only have an occasional wetting problem all you can do is plan for the worst knowing it will happen sooner or latter and move forward with life. Think of the positives here.......if you experience only an occasional wetting you wont have any skin issues to content with and the cost of disposables is much less compared to being incontinent 24/7. :)
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