There are MANY different types.
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Type of Incontinence

Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:41 am

My incontinence is a bit odd. I do not always have a problem, it seems to pop up once in a while and then sometimes it stays for quite a while. I have been to my doctor and he sent me to a urologist. After all the tests and x-rays he still did not know for sure other than I seem to retain too much fluid when I void. It comes and it goes. This makes for a big problem in that I cannot be certain when the incontinence will return so the only way to be safe is to be protected all the time which can be a pain. I did suffer 4 major lower back injuries within a 1 year period which everybody says could be the cause of everything but no one is certain. As a result I am stuck with dealing with it all. Some of you who have to wear protection 24/7 eventually learn to live with it but when you can go for a week or two or three or once even for a month and a half with no incontinence and then BAM, its back again for a while and then gone, you cannot get a handle on it and it just messes with your life. But then again, it could be worse.

low back problems

Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:30 am

I can relate. I also had low back injuries. Sometimes you barely leak and other times you wet your pants, although leaking is pretty much a given for me. Its very inconsistent, you just never know. Mine is better than what it was, at one time when it was really bad I could hardly feel my bladder, but still you have to be prepared for the inevitable. The loss of feeling was due to nerves being compressed and now my muscles that weren't used are very weak. I think more research should be done on this.

Lower Back Troublemaker

Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:28 pm

I just wonder how many others have the same problem. If it can happen just by goofing up your back and many, many people goof up their back every day, it just could be there are a lot more of us out here than we know. It was a bit strange, or so I thought at the time, when I was at the "Back-Cracker" doctor the second or third time I screwed up my back in that 1 year and he asked me, as he was x-raying me, if I was having any problems relative to urinary leakage. It never even occured to me what he talking about and I never asked him about it. A while after the 4th back screw up is when the major problems started. I wish now I had known and maybe the doctor could have headed the problem off. Now, because of ignorance, not just mine but of the medical community, I live as if I am totally urinary incontinent even when I am not. But like I stated at the beginning, I wonder how many others of there are. Regardless of the above complaining, life is still good and that is the story I am sticking to!

the need for diapers

Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:47 am

Great attitude, Schoe, and you do have it more difficult than many of us. For me, diaper wear is a given; I have no feeling of needing to void and no control of when or how much so there is no decision necessary about the need for diapers.

Folks with urge incon face a hard time since they can get to the toilet some of the time. It can be difficult to decide on wearing a diaper or "do I feel lucky today so I can enjoy "regular" underwear?"

You've added another dimension not well known at all....bouts of incontinence in between absolutely dry periods. Now it has to be really hard to face wearing a diaper after, as you say, weeks or even months of going dry! But the consequences of an incontinent episode when not wearing a diaper is not at all pleasant.

You are to be commended for your attitude that things could be worse; and that is true! We can always look around and see people who are worse off than ourselves when we feel like complaining about our situation!


One more situation to avoid and how?

Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:30 pm

This is very embarrasing but I'm wondering if anyone else has ever expeienced it and how to cope. Apparently, sometimes urine may be more acidic and smelly than others and I think it depends on water consumption and possibly something you have eaten. What happened to me a couple of times, and this was when I was using poise panties, which I now only do at home is this. One time when I was grocery shopping I noticed a very bad odor and felt very self concious but mentally tried to blame it on someone else since I wasn't really aware that I was leaking that much and was still in denial, and it wasn't as obvious as the next time. Then (not the same day) I was in Walgreens and when I got to the checkout the odor was extremely obvious. So overwhelming that the lady in front of me seemed to be racing out and the cashier looked like she was going to be sick. It seemed to happen suddenly and I wanted to cry. Because of the nature of my purchase all eyes were on me and I felt terrible. When I think about this time I still feel terrible. I hope this never happens to me at work because then my problem will be known. I dread this happening when I'm taking a test in school because in that case the instructor may have to say something. I just want to be prepared to be able to avoid this since it has only happened a few times I never want to go through it again.

Urine smell from your diaper

Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:21 pm

There are foods out there that can effect how your urine smells. I'm lucky and don't really have a problem. Most disposable diapers now have an order control measure in the disposable.
I know I was having more of an odor when I wore the cloth backed diapers. This past fall, my wife and I were traveling to Florida. My diaper was wet, but not ready for a change. My wife could smell my wet diaper, and commented "I think you need to change your diaper because I can smell it." I have switched back to the plastic backed diaper, and they don't seem to let the odor out as bad.
Also, I think I've seen some products on the market that is a pill you take that wiil neutrlize urine odor. Let me know, LtsofQues if you need any other suggestions. ........Paul Martin

What type of incontinence do you have?

Fri May 02, 2008 7:10 pm

I suffer from Urge Incontinence as a result of colostomy surgery. I've been sleep wetting for nearly 3 years and have accepted that I wear diapers, booster pads and waterproof pants each night.
However, during the day I try to use the loo in the normal manner. This has got to be balanced though with the risk of accidents. Right now my feelings are to wear no protection at tthe imes I'm confident I can 'make it'. At times of higher risk, wear a large very absorbant (2700ml) shaped pad with very close fitting pants, which I could still move aside if I got to the loo on time, but would cope with the accident if I didn't. finally, wear my tried and trusted night time system at times where it would be impossible to get to the loo on time. If I wore a fitted brief, then it would be impossible to get to the loo on time, as I might get there, but wouldn't get the dipaer off in time. The other option I've got is to wear a diaper 24/7 and just let nature take it's course, because let's face it, the urges are strong and quite frequent aren't they. How do others cope?

Type of Incontinence

Tue May 06, 2008 3:20 pm

My incontinence is due to a damaged bladder. One side doesn't expand, so I can't hold a lot of urine, and I lose it. It first started after I had a prostate biopsy, and although the doctor told me it wasn't the cause, I don't believe in coincidences. I have tried external catheters but prefer diapers.

my type

Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:37 pm

I have funtional incontinence from cauda equina syndrome, with degenerative disc disease, in simpler terms spinal nerve damage, which was caused for overexertion and abuse towards my body. Problems started to arise a couple years ago, and eventrually evolve into complete bladder incontince.

Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:38 pm

For the most part I'm completely incontinent I have very little if any control myself. Most of the time what little control I have is short lived and isn't worth the stress of trying to get to the bathroom. Are you a disposable wearer or a cloth wearer or both :?: I was a disposable wearer up until I got on this board. Now I'm more of a cloth diaper person thanks to JoeK and Paul M. but still wear disposables here and there or when my monthly friend is in town for the week :cry: if you know what I mean :?
.....................Sandy :)
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