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Stepping on my ego!!!!

Fri Jul 19, 2019 11:14 pm

Well i finally decided to step on my ego,

I've been reading a lot on this site for the last year or so and inhaled a lot of info from all of you.

42 soon to be 43 yo in september in the last 5 years my issues have been getting worse and finally decided to talk to my doctor about-it!
from going to having the odd leakage urinary and the odd messing accident to having to be diapered all the time!
diapers are not new in my house, my wife has MS and has been wearing at night for 18 years and daytime for about 6 years.
no worries about the supplies on that side!
now with that said i worked-up the guts to call my boss (have been working for the same man/company for 15 years)
that i wanted a personal meeting with him at his house so i can explain my situation,he's a good man to work for but that i'm
coming back from holidays and have to ask to not to send me out of town until i get some testing done.and i do i have an appt in aug
ui i can deal and have been for years but bowels is a different gremlin! it went from maybe once a month to once or more a day in a year :(
anyways that's my rant and looking forward to chatting !!

Re: Stepping on my ego!!!!

Sat Jul 20, 2019 4:59 am

Hi lecktroman Welcome to the group.

Sorry to hear your bowel accidents have progressed to the point its a daily occurrence, I think I am unfortunately following the same path as you as my bowel accidents are now at least twice a week.

Your right bladder issues are a easy to manage compared to bowel issues, my urologist and doctor did not seem surprised or worried when they asked if I had experienced bowel accidents and I said yes and neither of them scheduled any further tests. Im thinking its a normal progression some times for people dealing with bladder issues depending on the cause of the current IC issues.

We are all here to help and support each other as we all deal with some form of Incontinence issues.

Re: Stepping on my ego!!!!

Sat Jul 20, 2019 6:34 am

Add my welcome to Robert's above.

If these are new issues for you, brace yourself for a panel of invasive, embarrassing tests. Dealing with your wife's disability as well as your own may prove to be challenging. I was glad to read that your boss is understanding. Mine wasn't. I hope that the things you learned here have been useful, and that you will contribute yourself as you are able.

Keep us informed.

Re: Stepping on my ego!!!!

Sat Jul 20, 2019 9:54 am

Welcome to the group. glad the site has given you information

Re: Stepping on my ego!!!!

Sat Jul 20, 2019 10:33 pm

I had my dreaded meeting with my boss today and it went extremely well, told him that iv'e been wearing some sort of protection for years for UI and he was shocked! (i guess i hide-it well) but now that a second problem appears and diapers is a must until we can figure-out what is wrong and not sending me out of town like on a mountain-top!!!

I just lost 1000 pounds i finally worked-up the guts to tell him and knowing that my boss will support me and help if he can it's a blessing!
after all i am starting my 15th year of employment with him and we are a fairly small company.
cheers everybody !!

Re: Stepping on my ego!!!!

Sun Jul 21, 2019 1:32 am

good to hear it went well. Now a days 15 years with the same company says alot.

Re: Stepping on my ego!!!!

Sun Jul 21, 2019 8:36 am

Welcome to the forum! I hope you find some answers during your upcoming doctor visit. I too suffer from double IC, though it started out being urinary with a rare bowel accident. Now, like you, it is a daily occurrence. You are not alone. Hang in there!

Re: Stepping on my ego!!!!

Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:39 pm

So i went and got the scopes done a week and a half ago and they already have the results in!
I’m concerned big time because the doctor took over 15 biopsies and put a rush on analyzing them and a week later they called and want me to get back to their office next tuesday....
No news is good news but they called now i have to go in and deal with it good or bad!
Will keep in touch

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