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medical question

Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:03 pm

I have done some internet research on women's incontinence excercises. Most suggest that it is very common for women to experience leaking and other types of bladder weaknesses. Nearly all of the excercises suggest that women do pelvic floor excercises to either lessen or prevent incontinence. It also warns that having children (I have none) greatly increases your chances for this problem but any women are at risk(obviously) Does anyone know exectly how to do these excercises? I would like to know so I can start since it may be a while before I see a urologist.

Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:30 pm

After my wife had our first child (we have three) she was having trouble with leaking. Sneezing, coughing, ect... the Doc explained to her how to do a Kegle exercise. squeeze your pubic spincter for a count of ten, relax, then do it again three times. and do it several times a day. It has helped her. Sometimes she still has small accidents, but not as many. Hope this helps.


Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:29 am

I haven't gone to a urologist before because of the cost. Hopefully I will get there soon. I have been to a neaurologist before and all they did was a test for nerve damage as far as incontinence was concerned. Fortunately I didn't have any so they say it should be able to come back. That is one reason why I believe it to be a muscular problem.
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