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Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Sat Apr 05, 2014 9:19 pm

And here we go again. (No pun intended...)
I have a Doctors appointment Tuesday morning. The appointment is to discuss a few of the issues that I have. Item one is is how the prescriptions are no longer working like they did. So why continue them if all I have left is the side effects.
Item two will be what can be done about my frequent nighttime trips to the bathroom. Waking two, three and on occasion four times a night is not good for me. During my last visit to the Urologist the possibility of surgery was mentioned involving the male sling. Just does not sound like fun. I will have to get much worse before I would consider that or any other surgery.
That is all for now. Taking things a day at a time.


Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:38 am

Hi ScottK, frustrating to have all the nighttime trips isn't it? I know what you have to deal with (damn prostate anyway! Grrrrr!), I am in the same boat, thus the reason I wear at night, along with the fact if I am in a deep sleep, my bladder will "auto-fire" so might as well use it to my benefit and get some sleep instead of getting up multiple times a night, preventitive diapering I call it, works for me, but not for everyone. I got tired of being a sleep-deprived zombie when I had to get up all the time, so far it has made a HUGE difference with my daytime alertness! Puffy

Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:44 am

When I first had to deal with incontinence at night, I was paranoid. I got myself up 3-5 times each night, for fear of wetting my bed. One result of this was that, after a week or ten days, sleep deprivation made me walk around like a zombie, and unsafe behind the wheel of a car. I drove some 30,000 miles each year for my job, which made this a true crisis; that I did not have an accident was a miracle. While I awaited my first urological appointment, I began using diapers at night out of sheer necessity, and have worn them ever since.

Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:31 am

I became incontinent as the result of a surgical mishap in 1956. For the next 50 years or so, I would peacefully wet my diaper while asleep and was able to get a good night's rest. However, for the past several years, I have been sleeping less deeply (which I think is typical of old age) and wake up two or three times during the night with the urge to urinate. But getting up to use the bathroom isn't really an option, because I begin to urinate uncontrollably as soon as I start getting up. So I continue to wear my nighttime diaper, but now I wake up and have to use it deliberately. I'm not losing too much sleep, but I'm somewhat nostalgic for the days when I would just wet the diaper without waking up.

Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Wed May 07, 2014 6:11 am

Well guys, it is reassuring to see that I have company. Due to recent complications from old spinal cord trauma I have intermittent bladder incontinence. Usually it has a mind of its own and goes on autopilot without me being conscious of it.

At night I seem to have some conscious control and wake up with the urge to pee (often with a dry diaper). However, as inconimiss has posted, I begin to uncontrollably urinate as soon as I get out of bed, making a trip to the toilet nonproductive. As the urge to pee interrupts my sleep and as I have to wear a diaper anyway, I would rather just pee without waking up.

At least I have relatively few nighttime leaks out of my diaper, booster pad, and plastic pants combination.


Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Mon May 19, 2014 8:49 pm

It is time for me to make another appointment with the urologist. But I keep putting that task off. Medications did not work and for me at this point surgery is not an option. Oh well.. Time to just make the appointment and get it over with.


Re: I'm not really sure what type I have - could somebody he

Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:38 am

Hi Scott. It makes most sense to exhaust all non-invasive treatments first. Surgery can be effective, but should be a last resort. Hope your next appointment goes well and you get some much needed help.
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