How do you deal with having adult bedwetting/nocturnal enuresis?
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Bedwetting + Covid

Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:37 pm

Has anyone's bedwetting gotten worse since Covid emerged? I had a significant uptick in my almost lifelong bedwetting after the onset of Type 2 Diabetes and a stroke a few years ago, but I feel like recent events (including the extreme social tensions in Seattle, where I live) have caused me to go through my Abri-Flex pull-ups @breakneck speed. Guess I should get some labs done and schedule a visit w/my PCP, if I can be assured that it's safe.

My daytime incontinence frequency/volume seems to be unchanged.


Re: Bedwetting + Covid

Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:00 pm

Good question. Being house-bound and not out and about, at work and on my property, seems to have diminished my perspiration, increasing urine output. Covid 19 has shut down so many businesses and activities here, and upended our bodily patterns, that it seems inevitable that we should notice the changes. Conversely, I no longer have to worry that I'll have an accident because I'm too far from a toilet.

Re: Bedwetting + Covid

Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:25 pm

I too have noticed an increase in my bedwetting since the Covid-19 thing started. I've been around the house much more than usual, and with the advent of summer, I've really been trying to stay better hydrated so I figured that was the cause. That said my daytime leakage/urges have been all over the place. Some days pretty heavy and others hardly any at all. I've been catching up on quite a bit of yard work and other chores around the house so again I've attributed that to various levels of hydration.

Re: Bedwetting + Covid

Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:36 pm

I've only noticed a worsening of my nighttime wetting - daytime volume doesn't appear to have increased, but I practice timed voiding throughout the day. No recent lifestyle or environmental changes, other than those forced by Covid and protesters. My husband and I retired this past summer, but we had been winding down for a couple of years prior, so we barely noticed. I haven't been out exercising or doing yardwork, but I typically don't hydrate enough anyway, even for a passive, sedentary routine, so no increase in fluid intake.

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