I have traveled throughout Canada and the US and when wearing an absorbent undergarment. I always tell TSA or CATSA that I am wearing a 'depends' underneath my clothing. It is always dry and I ensure this. I use it for any little leaks, urinary trickles or as an emergency porta potty for urine if the seatbelt sign is on for a long time and a full bladder release must occur. I have had to use the absorbent brief in my airline seat and let it out slowly. If I had not been wearing it the seat would have flooded as the seat belt sign was on for over one hour. Even the young athletic people in line looked as if they were in agony when the seat belt sign went off and a huge line formed for the airplane washrooms. I was much more relaxed and just took a new brief into the washroom and changed. They had a trash bag in the washroom for the used brief. I cannot imagine the horror of the next passenger in my seat had I not worn an absorbent brief.