Post General Tips, Tricks, and Finds that you have learned that has helped you with dealing with incontinence.
Tue Dec 03, 2019 7:09 pm
Hi, all! I know we all come in different shapes and sizes. And for me, while I wear a medium usually in diapers, the Magamax Diaper from NorthShore was too large to get a good fit. They were very kind and sent me some smalls to try and that worked to get a good fit.
Except with that good fit came a terrible side effect. The way I tape my diapers is to tape the top tabs first tightly around my waist and then I pull up the diaper from the back so that there is a good seal around the legs before taping the bottom tabs. This creates a pocket and channel in the front of the diaper and leads to less leaks for me. The problem I had is that I was getting strangulation marks on my groin in the front of my thighs because the extra fabric cuts into the skin.
My solution was to cut the diapers front panel on the bottoms of the wings two inches from the bottom and then slice off the fabric in an angle towards the elastics. This created a more streamlined fit for me and has allowed me to still have a good seal but no longer suffer the painful cuts to my legs. I will attach a photo later as I am not sure if my description makes sense.
Tue Dec 03, 2019 8:37 pm
These are some pictures of what I meant
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