How do you deal with fecal incontinence?
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Need advice

Thu Apr 05, 2018 1:13 pm

First time here...Posted on another forum but I think maybe thiis is where I should have posted. I have an embarrassing question/problem. Long story - I went undiagnosed with Graves disease (severe hyperthyroidism) for at least 8 or 9 months and fially one of my docs did a thyroid blood panel. Next thing I knew I was being overdosed with radioactive iodine as they were afraid I was going to have a heart attack and the thyroid had to be killed off quickly. Because of the overdose I also quickly became severely hypo and it caused severe constipation which led to a rectal mucosal prolapse and anal leakage. It has been a nightmare trying to adjust my thyroid replacement hormone and I did go to a colorectal surgeon who sent me to rectal pelvic PT.

At the first visit the therapist insisted on doing s vaginal exam to check the sphincter muscle (which I did not expect). She said that was the only way she could recommend exercises to help with the prolapse and incontinence. Well, there must have been some leakage from the back door that she introduced into my vagina as a few days later I developed a yellowish, no odor, no irritation or itching discharge which has not gone away and it is about 2 months now. I was hoping it is just atrophy as i am elderly and it would go away when my meds get me in the range I should be in.

I saw posts about plugs but with the prolapse i think that may be dangerous for me.

I have not gone to the gyn as mine retired a couple of years ago and to go to a new one and afraid that even if i shower before going out the door, by the time I ger to the new gyn ofice 40 minutes away there will be anal leakage and I don't weant more pushed up there. I can not use anything except baby wipes to wipe down there as I also have vulvitis and vaginitis from atrophy...I'm just dried up. The other problem is I am so atrophic that at the last gyn exam I had 3 years ago I bled from the specuum for 2 days at the entrance of the vagina and how do I protect myself before and for days after the exam?? I am actually really scared to go. I tried putting a gauze pad between my cheeks but the incontinence is apparently intermittant and the gauze got stuck to my prolapse that come in and out at will. i dont need that bleeding either. I have been kegeling away but so far am very discouraged, especially since i go back and forth from constipation to loose stool from med dosage adjustments. I get either hyper or hypo. Actually I think the loose stool is worse as i am basically wiping my insides when the prolapse comes out and also I do know that often i am washing it with soap so it becomes very irritated. However, oddly enough the skin around my anus has not gotten sore from the leakage. Watch now that will happen.

I am just so frustrated. If anyone has any ideas on how to protect myself so I can go to the gyn please let me know. It will be much appreciated. I am also prone to UTIs so i have to be careful...I have a small urethral prolapse so can not use any of those bottom cleaning wipes or I will be bleeding from there. This I know from experience from doing a urine culture and using one of their wipes. Couldn't sit for a week while that healed.

Thank you

Re: Need advice

Fri Apr 06, 2018 1:14 pm

Hi Roe,
I was wondering if you’ve tried any of the groups on Facebook? There are hundreds of them out there dedicated to every condition you can think of. People from all age groups and all over the world. I am a member of one for thyroid patients and another for autonomic dysfunction. Each has over 10 thousand members. The threads can move quickly with a hundred responses within hours. I sought people like me on boards like this for years with no luck. This board can be kinda slow with minimal activity over several days. And there are few women. I’d bet you’d find a group, of probably all women, dedicated to what your describing. I found my autonomic function group, detailed my history, and simply asked if there was anyone out there like me. The thread blew up. It’s good to talk to people just to know you’re not alone. They may have some advice.
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