
Better dry Day Vs better dry
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Author:  sociologygeek [ Thu Aug 04, 2022 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Better dry Day Vs better dry

As promised, here is my side by side comparison of better dry day vs better dry.

the overall dimensions of both diapers unfolded and untaped are very close to identical. The contrast is with the width and length of padding in the front. I didn't notice how padding dimensions compared in the rear of the diaper, but I can do that if people request it. Better dry day has about an inch less of padding in either direction on the front pad as compared to regular better dry. I think the padding on the rear of the diaper is pretty much the same difference on the front. I am not sure how much these hold for a person with heavy to complete incontinence in terms of wettings or lengght of time befor changing. I don't have heavy to complete urine loss. I have moderate to heavy episodes and occasionally very heavy episodes with occasional frequency. This changes the map somewhat on what products I find effective. For me and my needs, the better dry day did well. I remember wearing it for about 3 or 4 hours before changing it, and I wanted to change out of it because I was taking a bath, and also my urine was somewhat concentrated. I think I rember 1 large void and 2 medium voids before changing. Kinda hard to tell sometimes. It held one of my bigger episodes like a champ, but it may have been near saturation, I'm not really sure. Further testing is needed before I consider wearing them to work. For now, I'm glad I have my Better Drys back. I think the emphasis on cost vs quality lead to some hiccups with Medline extended wear. They were overall great, but I was left in an unpleasent situation when the padding broke down... which is why I opted for cloth. I won't necessarily wear them all the time to work, but it is nice to have both cloth and disposables for different situations. Using cloth reduces overall cost of disposables and the number of diapers that are used and wasted(worn but not peed in because my bladder was behaving that day) while having disposables on hand takes some of the stress out of washing diapers every 3 days. :) Not that diaper laundry is terribly inconvenient all the time, it's just that there have been some unforeseen things in terms of diaper laundry that I had forgotten.

Peace out!


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