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The ultimate conundrum

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 12:25 pm
by Lhouse93
So I have a neurogenic bladder, and have now for 2 years. My incontinance is severe, but Oxybutynin helps manage it. It’s still severe enough that I need a max protection diaper, but it’s so frustrating because the diapers I need are not meant to be taken off and refastened, so even though I leak throughout the day, the medication drastically reduces the sudden urge to go which usually results in me leaking large volumes, but again I still leak small to medium amounts throughout the day that require max protection diapers. Here’s where my frustration is. Now that I can actually make it do the bathroom more frequently than before I still just end up wetting the diaper I’m wearing b/c taking off means I have to change, and diapers are too expensive change that frequently. Anyone else have this problem?

Re: The ultimate conundrum

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 2:13 pm
by Padded53
One possible solution would be to use Northshore Care Supplies' excellent Mega Max diaper. It's a super premium diaper with a plastic outer shell. It features great tapes that land on a very heavyweight smooth plastic taping area. Even though the tapes are very strong they can be removed and re-taped many times without damaging the diaper. The capacity is so great that it will last at least 8-10 hours for most people.

Here's another possibility. Since it has such strong tapes and an elastic waist I usually just pull the Mega Max down (rear first), use the toilet, and pull it back up again. The tapes and landing area are so strong that it will not tear anything but of course you will have to rearrange the wings once back up. I've done this many times and even though I have a large rear it still works just fine. It's also much quieter than removing the tapes.

Re: The ultimate conundrum

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 7:10 pm
by CityGardener
I agree with Padded there about the tapes on Megamax. They're virtually indestructible. I use them, but try to sparingly because they aren't cheap.

Something else you could look at: there are Abena Abri-San pads that are basically a brief without the tape and sides. They have the leak guards and give you a full fit like a tape brief would. I found these recently and I think they work pretty well. They're also half the cost as the Abena M4. I have had pretty good luck with these inside some snug fitting underwear and plastic pants. There are a lot of sizes so check the sizing.

Good luck.

Re: The ultimate conundrum

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:20 pm
by Stan
Have you considered cloth? I too can have heavy wetting but often can make it to the toilet. PUL pants and a cloth diaper can be slid down to pee and then pulled up and the diaper re-pinned if necessary. Since I am retired I am around home more so the bulk of cloth isn't a problem. has a varied selection. I use flats with inserts rather than prefolds as they don't take such a long drying cycle. I was using way too many disposables before. Now I just use them for public places.
Also I sleep on my sides and I needed coverage (cloth and waterproof pants) over a disposable so I wouldn't have side leaks. A heavy layer of cloth diaper and PUL pants does just fine. Stan

Re: The ultimate conundrum

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 12:36 pm
by Lhouse93
I definitely have to try the megamax. I do use PUL diapers by SuperUndies, but only to bed b/c they require too many layers to give me the protection I need, and it’s not so discreet under my clothes.

Re: The ultimate conundrum

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 8:18 am
by JDavis
Never tried Megamax bbut find the tapes on Abena Abri-Form ae pretty strong - I can untape them for no.2 them tape back the nappy.

Re: The ultimate conundrum

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:03 pm
by Lhouse93
Update: so I tried the megamax, and let me tell’s amazing! It’s thinner than the Abena which means it’s more discreet…in fact you can’t even tell I’m wearing a diaper. It’s not noisy when I walk, and it holds way more than the abena. My life is literally changed. The only downside is, is that they’re very expensive. Like obnoxiously expensive; but since the tapes can be removed so many times, I just put a liner in, and change the liner so it last until bedtime. Thanks again for suggesting this diaper!!

Re: The ultimate conundrum

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:01 pm
by Padded53
I didn't mention it but you took a page right out of my book! I almost always add a Male Guard pad to my MegaMax and with a change or two of the pads the MegaMax will usually last all day. I do change my diaper before bed (and use different night protection) but even though the MegaMax's are quite expensive using this "system" the cost per month is at least reasonable. Thanks for the update.